Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Heavy Hearted

My heart is so burdened with an unspoken prayer request.

I'm making all kinds of stupid mistakes at work. So far people are just laughing and seem to understand but I feel it putting even more stress on me.

I haven't wanted to say anything because we've had more pressing issues with The Church (which we need to continue to pray without ceasing for) and I felt that heavy on me all day and that was part of my lack of concention. I feel selfish in even asking for prayer with all the Smith's are facing now.

But if as you are praying for them and the Church please continue to breath a prayer for me and my family. I know you are but some days are tougher then others and this has been a tough one.

Thanks, I love you all


Momma Tammi said...

Hang in there...prayer support is on its way!

marshasblog said...

I'm praying for you sis, and your family too..we love ya'll!!

J Nowling said...

Thank you so much. I very much felt it today.