Wednesday, December 06, 2006

The Bug Has Found Me

This bug that's been going around has decided to visit me for awhile. My head, ears, throat and chest all hurt. I desire your prayers as I have to keep going. I finally am semi-caught up at work and missing one day would put me so behind again. It managed to by pass me the first time it visited our home, but not this time. I want to evict it, terminate it, I want it TO DIE! Seriously, I do desire your prayers.

Thanks and I hope everyone has a good day.


Grace & Co said...

You know what's a bummer? I was one of the first ones in my family to get the bug, then it got passed around the whole family. Just when I feel like I'm getting better the bug finds me again!

Momma Tammi said...

Bummer! You aren't supposed to be sick on your Birthday. If you haven't checked your e-mail...please do...there should be a message for you.

I'll request prayer for you tonight and I'll be praying!

AKCameraGuy said...

Bummer! And on your Birthday, too!!
Anyways, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Sis.Nowling!!!


J Nowling said...

Gracie somebody just has to find that bug and stomp on it!!! Whenever we've had sickness go through the house, once we get to the tail end of it,I throw my toothbrush, strip the bedsheets and spray as much as I can with Lysol. I guarantee I will be doing that once this bug leaves to find someone else to pester.