Saturday, September 08, 2007

Doing Better

It has been a looooong, short week. I was swamped at work and had online training to do. I'm just amazed at my God and how He gives us strength beyond measure. I couldn't miss work, there was just too much to do. I even had someone complain that I was passing germs with my coughing. They were told I wasn't fevering, and unless she wanted to cover my desk, there wasn't anyone to do my work, so they were not going to send me home. Towards the end of the week I wasn't feeling too bad but I just couldn't stop coughing. Yesterday was too bad. I had some spasms. It was wierd. I'd actually sleep well, no covering and all. But once I got up and started talking the covering started.

Anyway I'm doing much better. Still got a little crackling in my throat and voice. I actually slept in until 10 am. That is soooo rare. I probably would've slept longer but I have the state books to do as well as clean house. I also, was afraid if I did I wouldn't sleep tonight. I fixed some breakfast and decided to check my email before I started the books and I can't believe how sleepy I still am. It's a dreary rainy day so that means good sleeping weather.

Brother Nowling has started with the cold. Please pray he doesn't get as sick as Joleesa and I did. He usuall is able to fight it easier. I had been sick before IYC and actually just felt good the day before we left. With being anemic, no matter the Emergen C or the Airborne, my immune system didn't get built back up to fight the germs from Joleesa. But hopefully this germ doesn't mutate here with Brother Nowling and make its rounds again. Any way thanks for your prayers, please keep them coming.

I am anxious to get busy with the church. I feel like God wants so much more from me than what I gave last year. And I'm anxious to get going. Hopefully Brother Nowling will make appointments soon and we can get moving Please help us pray for a building. We have been blessed 10 youth and potential for several more. A building would make a big difference for us BUT youth don't have much money so we're asking God for a mighty miracle but I believe it's out there.

Everyone have a great weekend.


Vicki Smith said...

God's got the answer to your building dilemma. Trust God and keep your ears open to the Lord's whisper.