Monday, October 22, 2007

WOW What A Service!

Minister's convention was good but Sunday night the Holy Ghost really saturated the place. We had a rough weekend in spite of the convention. Sunday afternoon we took Brother Ammons out for dinner and then came home and all of us took a nap. I rarely take a nap but I hadn't had much sleep for several nights and I was totally exhausted. I fell asleep but all weekend there was a chorus going through my head and as I slept, I slept but that chorus was literally be song in my head. The chorus was "Change my heart oh God. Make it ever new. Change my heart oh God. NMAKE ME MORE LIKE YOU. You are the potter, I am the clay. Mold me and make me, that is why I pray." It wasn't that I hadn't recently heard the song, actually I don't even remember when I heard or sang it last. But I guess it was my prayer throughout the weekend. Anyway, I woke up about 1/2 before the alarm went off and I prayed "Lord what would you have me lead for worship?" He laid out the songs for me and even what I should say between songs. I then wondered who would play piano for me (Joleesa wasn't up, Jessa was out of town, and I knew Sister Grant didn't really know the songs) and then it came to me Brother Ammons. He played for me at camp one year. We got to church and I asked him if he knew the one chorus "Create in Me a clean heart". He wasn't sure so I sang it to him softly, we didn't have a chance to pratice but he said he thought he could figure it out. Brother Ammons had preached Wednesday night on "Passionate Worship".

Brother Nowling opened sharing some heavy thoughts of his own with tears. When it was turned over to me everyone was sitting and instead of asking everyone to stand, one of the things laid out to me as I laid in bed was to not have everyone stand for worship but start out with everyone sitting and when they came to the place of true worship for them, then stand. I could see on the faces they thought this was wierd...I was literally shaking behind the pulpit. We began with "Turn Your Eyes upon Jesus". We sang and sang, and then it was like some whispered in my ear "turn the lights off". It was already dark out, but the whisper continued, until I asked Brother Jacob to turn the lights off as it's easy to have eyes on Jesus when we're together but the world is dark and full of troubles, BUT that's when we really need to turn our eyes on Him. It was dark in there but the electric piano had a blue light so Brother Ammons had no problem playing. After singing it through once I had them turn the lights back on but we continued to sing. Somewhere along the way Sister Heather stood. For some time she stood alone. Then we went into "What a Friend We have in Jesus" and then "Create in Me A Clean Heart". One by one, slowly, not all at once by no means, they started to stand (even our visitor stood and worshipped). You knew when they stood they truly were standing in worship. The Holy Ghost came down and though there was a heaviness for souls in our midst, the Holy Ghost was releasing some. It was awesome. 3/4 of the people were standing. Everyone worshipping in their own way. I then turned it to Brother Nowling and the worship continued. Before he turned it to Brother Ammons he instructed us to greet our neighbors. As I hugged one individual's neck the Holy Ghost started all over again. My heart was heavy for the souls in the house but yet I had a peace in my heart because God was moving. Then Brother Ammons preached on going through the fire. It was a great message and he preached under the annointing. BUT there was no altar call given. Did you ever feel like there should be an altar call but they don't. I really felt like some people just prayed off the conviction but a call to the altar would've brought them to make a decision...but no call was made. I prayed for Brother Ammons and then Brother Nowling to be guided by the Spirit...but no altar call. Was it just me...Anyway, I thank God for the move He had and the hearts He spoke to. Though I had some very heavy needs and concerns still surrounding me, I had such peace that carried me even into today. Today was a good day at work and I haven't had one of them in a long time.

I have never FELT so led in the leading of worship as I did Sunday night. I felt the "Passionate Worship". God is soooo good. But please pray for our local body. God wants to really do something and there are those that just won't surrender. But I am so greatful for His love, mercy and His moving on His people.


Momma Tammi said...


Vicki Smith said...

Praise God for His moving in your local church and the Convention.
I think the devil is good at distracting us from concentrating on our own surrender to the Lord by causing us to focus on other people who aren't surrendering. As a pastor's wife or church leader we feel we're justified and even that it's our DUTY to worry about everybody else. As I've gotten older I've gotten better at still praying for other individuals, but leaving them in God's hands. I can't do anything to change them, anyhow. I've found sweet peace and release by keeping my eyes fixed on Jesus and ME surrendering to Him during worship services regardless of whether anybody else does or not. If my eyes are truly looking UP to Jesus, I seldom notice whether anybody else is joining me or not. Does that make sense?

J Nowling said...

Thanks Sister Tammi.

Sister Smith it definitely makes sense. That's where the peace came in, I knew I finally got to the place personally that I surrendered. I know exactly when in the worship I did. But the heaviness was still there because of the needs of others. The Lord instructed me a looooong time ago, even if no one else praises Him I must.