Monday, December 10, 2007

A Good Week-end

We had a great weekend. Our precious friends from Bethel, the Suttons visited. It was a relaxing, enjoyable weekend. I truly feel like the Lord put the weekend together for us. Brother Nowling invited Brother Sutton to preach on Sunday. Everything came together on their end and on ours as Brother Nowling actually had the weekend off. He's been training on days last week and so he had the weekend off (and hopefully will this weekend again). Friday night we went Benihanna's for my birthday, a Japenese steak restraunt that prepares your meal at your table. Jessa went with us so there was the five of us. It was one of the most pleasant evenings I've had in a long time. To top that off the food was great too. Then I wanted to play Ibuy but Brother Nowling convince us to go to Best Buy instead. That's ok. We got some Christmas shopping done. And Suttons really enjoyed it. We went home and visited a bit before going to bed. We slept in Saturday, I fix bacon and eggs, then we headed to pick up Jenna and take her work and then shopped at the mall. I guess the Suttons hadn't been to the 5th Avenue mall so they enjoyed it and we all got to do some Christmas shopping done. But then the worst part of my weekend happened. I went to get my hair cut and my regular stylist wasn't in but I thought I'd have it done anyway. The lady butchered my hair. I put my glasses on and I cried. She said she guess we just miscommunicated. She didn't have me pay. I left to go find Jody. I passed a mirror on my way and I started bawling. By the time I found him I was really crying...his response was "you could wear a hat" ~ ugh, men. I went and found a bathroom and cried some more and then washed my face. When Sister Annette found me she hugged me big and I started crying again. I never considered myself vain but I always have felt if I liked my hair, and dressed nicely, even if I was heavy, it was ok. But now my hair looked horrible. If I counted how many times people told me it'll grow out...but it will. I just won't look in the mirror for a few weeks. I do feel sorry for everyone has to look at me though.

Anyway, we then came home and fixed homemade pizza and played Ibuy with Jackie and Josh (the men skipped out with the excuse of Best Buy again, Brother Sutton had to take something back). As you already heard Annette won, but that was fine. It was fun.

Sunday School, morning and evening services were good and the afternoon was relaxing.

I thank the Lord for giving us these kind of weekends (minus the botched haircut; I'm still trying to learn God's purpose for that). Isaiah will be coming this weekend and like I said hopefully Brother Nowling will be off again...if nothing else I finish my Christmas shopping.


Unknown said...

ugh- men don't understand about hair.. her hair is a woman's "glory" (bible says so itself) and when the haircut is botched... yeah.. not a good thing.

i had my hair cut in a new style, at a new place, a few days before i left for alaska (and to see micah for the first time since our engagement) and... i hated it. he hated it.

good news is... it does grow out. at least yours is shorter so it'll grow faster than mine.

still- remember to smile so big that no one has time to look up.

Vicki Smith said...

I haven't been to a "beauty shop" in over 15 years, so no more botched haircuts for me! HA! That's one sure way to prevent getting butchered! I truly am sorry for your dilemma, though. I think Megan's suggestion of wearing a big smile might really work. You could always get a "Susie" like Sister Bishop's! Meanwhile, you should take a picture to have as a reminder, just in case you ever figure out what God's purpose was for allowing this to happen. You can look back on the picture someday and laugh. Or cry. ;-) Either way, it'll be a reminder!
BTW, the new Christmas template is VERY PRETTY.

J Nowling said...

Thanks for the encouragement. I actually did SERIOUSLY consider buying a wig, with the thought of Sister Bishop's "Susie" always in the back of my mind. I was having a difficult time going forward with it feeling vanity was the drive. Then Brother Nowling said "so you think it would be easier to explain the wig then the botched haircut"...ugh. I saved my money and I'll watch my hair grow.

Thanks for the compliment on the background. It's only temporary until Jenna gets mine done.

Tammy Washburn said...

The lady cut mine so short at youth camp in July that it took until the Assembly for me to like it AND I thought it was finally the right length for the Minister's Convention in November!!!!!! (She only charged me half :)

I now need a littl "trim", but am scared to go!!! I meant to get my mom to trim it while I was in TX for Thanksgiving, but we ran out of time and I wasn't feeling well. I hate to go pay for bad haircuts, but my hair fine and thin and has never grown long. It just turns into a stringy mess. I have to stay "fluffy" like my Dad :)

The wig blows off in the wind...just ask Sis. B. !

Momma Tammi said...

I've had a few of those haircuts, but you really will get through it. The emotional stress can be tough, but God is good to help us deal.

I really like the new background.

Anonymous said...

i love how you said the men skipped out on ibuy right after you said you played with josh lol. are you saying my husband isn't a man lol

J Nowling said...

Let's put it this way, some of the guys at work have longer hair than I do, that's how short she went. Not just short but chunks are shorter in some places then others. It doesn't blend together at all. Thankfully it will grow back, and usually I think it grows fast, but I have a feeling this time it'll grow really slooooooooow ~ grin. But if I could record some of the comments I've gotten...especially the guys, they wind up really digging them into a whole.

Jackie, oops, I did say that didn't I. Um, well he did put the girls scarf on and um he does "talk" like a girl on occasion ~ giggle!