Sunday, September 20, 2009

About Me

Let me prelude this post with I usually don't bare my soul on my own blog because I don't want to offend, upset, or disappoint anyone. But I haven't blogged for awhile as I need this blog to truly be MY blog and I need to be able to share my heart and so that is what I am going to do.

As I was spending time on flights and airports on my way to IYC I determined in my mind, this assembly was going to be for me. I was going to be praying for me. Seeking answers for me. The first service at IYC found me praying Lord help me to know how to be there for Heather. Then Lord show me how to share this special time with Megan and Micah. Also, Lord I feel like I've gained a son but in gaining the son I've lost a daughter, help me to find my relationship with Jessa. And my prayers continued through the various people that are so much a part of who I am, Jenna, Lord let her find someone (not just a guy) but someone here to share life. Josh and Jackie, oh how I miss them Lord show me how to reach them so they will draw closer to you. Their faces went before my face one at a time Matthew, Tim, Nathan, Larry, Jeremy, all of them one right after another. Lord help me to serve them truly was my prayer. Always hanging over every prayer was Lord give me WISDOM. I found myself feeling like Solomon as more than anything I want wisdom. My love is so great for these souls that God has put in my life that I need wisdom as to know when, what, and how to be what He needs me to be for them.

In every prayer there was one huge plea for wisdom that was on behalf of a new road that I'm having to walk. A road that is filled with huge amount of love for my daughter Joleesa but a cry for wisdom to help me in being the mother to her and a grandmother to the baby she is carrying. Yes. I am going to be grandmother. Not in the way I had ever dreamed of becoming a grandmother, but none the less a grandmother. God forgives the repented heart and forgets. We are to be like Christ. I had to find my way in forgiving as Christ does and I truly have. Many individuals turn away from God and go into sin. Some sin is easy to forget but sometimes God allows that sin to bring good and all life exists only if God allows. As Joleesa has turned her life back to Him and as she finds her way in her walk with Him she now has a child to lead as she walks that walk and I will be right there with her (as will all her family)helping, rejoicing and loving this new life. Life changes around every corner and I committed this road to Christ a looooong time. As I help Joleesa make preparations for this precious little one, my prayer continues to be for wisdom, not only for me, but for mother-to-be Joleesa, along with a strength that will help her in this time that is very joyous but also very challenging. I am already watching her as she looks at life in a whole different way then she ever did before. My ultimate prayer is that this little life will be healthy and be given the opportunity to know the love of Jesus right from the early years.. Joleesa, with God's help, love and wisdom can give that to this child.

Yeah, this assembly was about me finding all that God has for me as person, as a pastor's wife, as a leader in the church, as a wife, as mother but the biggest goal was finding me as a grandmother. I thank my precious Lord and Saviour that He never fails us...Jada Nowling is going to be a grandmother. Wow!!!

It was a glorious assembly where every message spoke to me. I stand in awe at how precious His anointing was and I thank God that He allowed me the privilege to be a part of IYC and the 104th general assembly.


connie said...

Isn't it something? We try to walk the straight and narrow road, but we find so many curves along that road, or is it hills (ups and downs). We never know what is next over the next hill until we get there and smack in the face, Oh, God, help me. How do I do this? But like Isaiah's lesson this evening on Gideon. We have to remember it is not our strength, but through God's strength. He wants the glory. He will give you the grace. You have a wide range of members to be a pastor's wife to -- unborn babies, baby Lily, all the way to great grandma Texter. But with God's grace you can LOVE them all, each and every one, just like Bro. B. was preaching.
Love you and praying for you.

connie said...

Oh, yeah! Congratulations on becoming a grandmother this spring... along with me! This will be fun. Babies are exciting! They are God's will that life goes on.

Vicki Smith said...

As Sister Connie mentioned, life is a journey. We're constantly facing new challenges and/or obstacles. There are high mountaintops and sometimes dark valleys, but the Lord is right there in all circumstances and we can be assured that He has answers for each and every need.
I'm so glad you were able to make it to IYC and the Assembly, and that you felt God's presence and gentle nudges. You have prayed, and continue to pray, for God's wisdom in dealing with every issue you're faced with and God's Word promises that when we ask for wisdom He will give it liberally, without rebuke or harshness ("upbraideth not"). I pray for wisdom every day. It's something we can't overdose on!
God bless you, my sister. I love you.

Tammy Washburn said...

Praying for all ya'll. Great to see you at the Assembly.

Unknown said...

Hi Jada
I seen on your blog that you are going to be a Grandma.There is nothing more special than grandchildren. Even if it is not the way we had hoped or planned. I have been through this.
It will be so very special. My greatest blessings are my grndbabies.
Congratulations to you. You are in my prayers.

J Nowling said...

Thanks everyone for the words of encouragement, the congratulations and the prayers. Please keep the prayers coming.