Friday, October 02, 2009


I sure know why Solomon asked for wisdom when he could have asked for anything. It is the most needed attribute (if that's the word to use) ever in the Christian life. Wait a minute, even if you're not a Christian, wisdom is needed. As parents, as adults. In Christian service it is a must. I so need wisdom. It's the cry of my heart constantly these days, for home, church and work. For LIFE in general. Please help me pray for wisdom?

PTL it's Friday.


Jessa Stephens said...

Love you Mom. I was reading Ps. 24 a couple days ago and tried to post it as a comment, but it wouldn't work. Anyway, I was reading and I thought of you.

Jessa Stephens said...

Love you Mom. I was reading Ps. 24 a couple days ago and tried to post it as a comment, but it wouldn't work. Anyway, I was reading and I thought of you.

Jessa Stephens said...

BTW!!!! Thank you for the soup!! =D

J Nowling said...

Your welcome Jessa and thank your for your love.

Vicki Smith said...

Praying for wisdom has been a daily part of my life for many, many years. --Not for "man's wisdom"; for GOD's wisdom. We can't ever have too much wisdom. God's wisdom can't be learned, deserved, or earned; it's a gift from God and is given "liberally" when we ask. --May God grant your request. "Delight thyself also in the LORD; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart" (Psa. 37:4).

Jessa Stephens said...

mom your should post. I need something new to read at work. =)