Saturday, April 05, 2008

Snowing Again!

Our snow was almost gone and we've been in th 40's. I get up this morning and it's SNOWING. UGH! It's not pretty any more. They were actually going to clean sweep our parking lot at work tomorrow. Yeah right!

Speaking of the warmer weather, we grilled out last Saturday night. It started out with Josh and Jackie It was their idea and they provided pretty much all the food), then added Matthew, Micah and Megan, then two of Joleesa's friends from McDonalds and then Jacob. Our first grill out and we got to enjoy it with a bunch of our youth. It is something how for years my burden has been for the youth. God has blessed me with opportunity to work with them through youth camps and regional state work but this is the first time He has blessed me with my husband pastoring a church with the majority (12 youth and 5 j.o.y.) being youth. The dynamics are so different. Some times drama abounds. My heart is full for them all. Here I am almost 50 years old and hanging out with them. I thank God that they let me come around and even invite me. Though they joke with me on being "old", they are so respectful of me. Most have really allowed me to be part of their lives. I love to play games and that helps. There's a very few, that I haven't found that place totally with them yet...but my heart is still full for them as well. Then we have a couple that are really struggling spiritually. There is forever a prayer on my lips and in my heart for them. I thank God for each one of them.

I truly thank Him for my husband who balances a job, pastoring and grown girls that still need their dad, sometimes feeling so burdened. Trying to reach out over and over again to individuals that need extra attention. God gives him a patience in that area beyond measure. He's had to deal with some real tough situations. Some of which are just a part of the ministry and other things that just shouldn't have to be but they are!

Please, please pray that God gives us a building. Rent is so high in Alaska. We are greatful to have the use of the Grant's garage but we are to the place we are desperately in need of more space, SS rooms, a nursery, and other things. I know God knows are need, we just need Him to show us how to fulfill it.

This week was busy at work, like always. Then I hung out with Matthew, Codi, Micah and Megan on Thursday and we had liver smothered in bacon and onions and of course played games. I love trying new games and that is something that we are constantly doing. Last night Jenna and I met up with Josh and Jackie for pizza. We were going to go to their place for a movie but Jenna wanted to go home to bed and I asked for a rain check. Stupid me still stayed up until 2 am working on the computer and then reading. Ugh! I know I'm not young any more and though I slept in until 9 am (kind of) I'll pay the price later as today I have to leave here in few minutes to go to Joan Fabrics to find some things for ladies retreat (ugh! it's only two weeks away), go grocery shopping. I need to get my hair trimmed but I'm afraid to as my success with salons here in Anchorage haven't been good. Sister Mitzi you think your stylist would come to Alaska to cut my hair ~ smile. Then I've got to do something I absolutely dread, our taxes. YUCK!!! Then this evening we have our monthly youth Bible study and then tomorrow we start our new quarter in SS on the advice to members. We have a very open format for in our youth class and usually most everyone participates. It'll be really interesting this next quarter. I am actually going to have one of the young people teach one Sunday month (those that want to). I've had three turn in their slips to me. It was three that I thought would but I actually thought there would be two others...maybe they still will. I thought this would open up a different perspective as well as give opportunity for those that like to do that sort of thing.

Well I better get out there in the SNOW and get my errands done. Everyone have a great day and absolute GLORIOUS Lord's day tomorrow.


Vicki Smith said...

Just wanted to let you know I'm praying for your Ladies' Retreat this weekend. Have a GREAT time! I know you will.
I was SO EXCITED to get to see snow in Albuquerque, even though I know you're just really DONE with it. When you don't get to see it at all, you really miss it.
Hey, how 'bout we have a trampoline contest sometime? :-D