Wednesday, July 12, 2006


I got the t-shirts for the youth today. We always do shirts for camp and even though camp was cancelled the youth wanted to use their deposits to get t-shirts. Jenna did the design. We always know the graphics change some because of different programs but when the owner of the t-shirt place came in with the proof he suggested some additional changes. I was ok with that but when I got the second proof and talked to him I wasn't able to picture how it would actually look on a t-shirt. We went army green with black print and we're doing a glow-in-the-dark outline. He suggested only doing the outline on the cross and not on the text. I just couldn't see how the black would show up on the army green without some sort of outline. Then he was telling me the outline would only show up in the dark. He assured me it would be great and he's the pro but I was stressing big time and went balistic when telling Jenna as she wasn't seeing it either. BUT they turned out AWESOME! Mind you the army green is NOT dark, hunter green. It's fatique green and is better then I ever imagined. Jenna wanted to take a picture and put it on her blog but I asked her to wait until after convention. Sorry, but I want it to be surprise for our people and though they don't comment, we all know there are lurkers out there ~smile~ which is fine. But I don't want it ruined.

My boss suggested using a Christmas tree stand for the cross to be able to stand by itself. I want to try it so I don't have to worry about it possibly falling if we were to just set against the pulpit and the "flames of hell" and it will be more effective if stands away from the flames. But I've got to find it ~shrugs shoulders~ I'm sure you're all just picturing it aren't you ~great big grin~ Jenna will have her camera so as you well know they'll be pictures. lol

So now if we can get Brother Nowling to cut the "good" crosses for her so she can get them painted (he said he'd do it after work one night). I so hate last minute things.

Then the only thing I have left to do is get some batteries for the engraver as I have dog tag key chains for everybody (part of camp) and I still have a few names to engrave. Then of course pack.

So tomorrow, I help Joleesa with the last of her school (she's worked every night this week) so we can get it off in the mail and pack. It's suppose to 100 degrees here Friday and Saturday. We have no air conditioning. We'll be looking forward to the 4 1/2 hour drive in the "air conditioned" truck and then being in an air conditioned church. Yup, yup!

Have a good night.


Vicki Smith said...

Sounds like you've got a great program planned! Tell my husband hello for me. *snicker* I'm enjoying being at home SO MUCH, I'm tempted not to head back to Cleveland on Sunday, but I know my husband needs some clean clothes! Otherwise, I think I'd wait a few more days and just enjoy being home.

Momma Tammi said...

I am really looking forward to seeing the props and the tee shirts. I can hardly wait to hear all about the service. Please post as much as you can afterwards. I'll be praying for God's anointing to be on you as you minister.

Juls4Him said...

I'm excited to hear how it goes too....AND see those pictures! I'm sure it will be wonderful and I sure do commend you for all you have been able to do around a full time job, homeschooling and trying to pack up and move cross country! must have God in your corner or something!!!!

J Nowling said...

Thanks ladies. I couldn't do this without Jenna's help. It's one of the few times I'm glad she has the time on her hands ~smile~, she loves doing it, and is good at it.
I'll post my take on it and I'm sure Jenna will post too with the pictures ~grin~.

Sister Smith - I definitely will tell your husband hello for you.I'm hoping he'll preach. I know he's not on program, but we've heard that Dan Lira won't be coming so maybe he'll get to take his spot. I know under normal circumstances that would be the case but I'm not sure. We won't be getting there until lunch time Saturday though (Brother Nowling,m Jessa and Joleesa all have to work Friday night). He just better nt preach before we get there ~smile~ I sure you are really enjoying being home. It's been a odd year for us. We are so use to traveling at least once a month to some function in the state but there hasn't been much of anything this year. Other than Alaska we haven't been with our region since the fall. I had youth days back in the two local church's in Feb and Mar and the whole family went then.

I'm looking forward to getting away but I'm not sure what to expect. I don't think too many in our region know we're leaving.

Sis. Tammi -More than anything I want the Lord to have His way. I really want Him to take over the youth program.

Sis. Julie - we're women, we are constantly multi-tasking ~smile real big~. Actually, some things I just set aside and take one thing at a time.

Vicki Smith said...

Sister Jada, Brother Smith won't be making it to your Convention, after all. Some really nasty attacks have come upon him today. The details will be coming out sooner or later, but it's bad enough that he's on his way home to be with me right now. I just wanted you to know ahead of time that he won't be at your Convention. We're waiting on the Lord for direction. We need God's guidance and His wisdom. We're not worried about OUR reputation. God knows our hearts and that's all that matter to us, that we be pure in HIS sight. We really need the prayers of our friends and loved ones right now.

J Nowling said...

Oh my God please intervene. Take care of our Brother and Sister. My heart is breaking for you folks and we are soooooo disappointed.

Love you Sister and we're praying, praying, praying.

Anonymous said...

We spent last night reading in Jude.
Our love and prayers are with the Smiths.