Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Nice 4th of July but I need another day off

I enjoyed the 4th. It felt good to spend the day outside. Sis. Tammi and Annette I actually did relax (for the most part). Until the fireworks any way, we had some situations that were quite stressful. And my arms got pretty sunburned.

Then I my day started earlier then normal on Wednesday as I got called in at 7 am and it was another horrible day. I will not miss the Newspaper here. I am soooooo ready for a change. I ate while taking ads (the lunch that my husband had to bring me because I didn't have time to make one and I was the only one in the office so I couldn't leave). I never talked to anyone about anything other than the customers. It was horrible. I have to go back 6:30 because my clerk's on vacation.

Not much else happening here. Although I've got to get my youth program together for our convention on the 15th. I dreamed about the details (literally on Saturday night). Right down to some of the scriptures. So now it's just a matter of getting altogether which also means going to Annette's favorite store (smile) and getting some things for Jenna to get working on my props. I don't think it's going to happen tonight though. I'm too exhausted.

The weather has cooled off and I'm thankful for that.


Momma Tammi said...

So glad that you managed to relax just a bit. From now until you get settled in Alaska, those moments will be few and far between, so enjoy every one of them when you have the opportunity.

Anonymous said...

Hey I got an idea! You know everyone always wants to get together at the Assembly to eat???
We (all the overworked LADIES) could get seats in the balcony and sleep during a lunch break!LOL!

J Nowling said...

lol I like that idea...let's set the day and see who all will come.