Friday, January 12, 2007

Joleesa's School

I am soooooo glad this is Joleesa's last year. It never fails when it comes to the end of a semester we are both stressed as we try to push to get everything done. Alaska I.D.E.A. homeschooling is worse then ABEKA as their is no daily outline. We have to create one. The IDEA office was to give us a contact teacher. Yeah right. I haven't heard from her since we signed up and I've left several messages for her and still haven't heard from her. I finally emailed the superintendent because she still hasn't gotten her meteorolgy book and the new semester starts Tuesday. It is so frustrating.

Please pray for me today. I stayed up with her until midnight working on her English and Math (she is awesome in Alegebra) and then I woke up at 4 am and couldn't get back to sleep. My mind kept going between a major problem at work, Joleesa's school and the young girl at church that got saved New Year's eve. Why can't there be an on/off switch on brains like there is for electrical things. After all aren't brain waves electrical? I said I was tired!


Momma Tammi said...

I'm praying for ya!

Vicki Smith said...

Praying here. Nothing is too big for God. Let HIM be God. "It is vain for you to rise up early, to sit up late, to eat the bread of sorrows: for so he giveth his beloved sleep" (Psa. 127:2). Total trust! Just keep giving it over to the Lord and slapping your hand when you realize it's inching towards picking it back up. When you TOTALLY give everything over to God it's not your problem anymore; it's God's. Ahhh, sweet sleep!