Sunday, March 25, 2007


We are really enjoying ourselves here in Bethel. The Suttons and their foster girls are so precious. We never dreamed we'd ever be in Bethel and here we's bigger than what we imagined. Suttons took us to Saturday Market (craft show they have monthly)and they had some really neat things but the costs were huge. I did find a parka that I fell in love with it but...we didn't have $850 in our pocket and even if we did, I would never be able to justify that kind of money even though it is probably worth every penny. We also ate at Datu's, authentic chinese restaurant it was really good. We haven't found that good of Chinese in Anchorage. The think that is so strange to me is the house being on stilts and the huge sewer pipes wrapping around the houses in plain view, and the grated sidewalks and ramps. Last night it snowed and after playing games I came back to the parsonage. Joleesa was ahead of me and went into the house. It was very slippery under the snow and when I went to step up on the wooden sidewalk my feet went out from under me. I wasn't hurt but I couldn't get up as my feet continued to slip. I yelled for Joleesa but didn't think she heard me. I crawled and got one knee on the sidewalk but still couldn't get up because I was tangled in my long skirt. Joleesa did hear me and came to the rescue. She had heard me, threw her stuff in the door, and literally jumped all the steps and in turn twisted her ankle. I feel really bad as I couldn't get but I didn't get hurt and here she did.

Services have been really good. Before we left for the morning service we had prayer at the parsonage as I wanted to be sure I had found the direction God wanted me to go. God blessed wonderfully. I spoke on Nehemiah and I literally laid out the gates having a youth hold a sign that represented the gates and spoke on the purpose of each of the gates and compaired to the spiritual. I randomly handed out the signs, if you studied Nehemiah you'll know what the gates random order Brother Bobby became the "old gate" and Isaiah was the "dung gate". We had a great laugh with those. But the whole purposee of the message was that though the gates may not be burned down or the walls broken down, we need to examine our lives and what we're doing and make sure there's no cracks and shore them up so the enemy can't get in.

Brother Nowling preached a great message last night "What doth the Lord require of you?" It was about those that ALMOST made it in but spiritually ALMOST doesn't cut and he used different examples. Both sessions we have had great worship time and the altar service have been filled.

This morning we have the camp boost and Brother Bobby preaches so I'm ready for another wonderful time in the Lord.

This afternoon I'll hopefully go snowmaching with Isaiah and Micah (Joleesa had a great time on the river with them crashing).

Church time


Momma Tammi said...

Sounds like a wonderful time in the Lord. Have a good time snowmobiling. How's Joleesa's ankle? Glad you didn't scramble your brains too.

Unknown said...

that's cool! the story from nehemiah is our theme for our youth convention!


can't wait to join ya'll for state convention. take care.

Jessa Stephens said...

It sounds like it went well! Jenna and I have been praying for it! HEY!!! ;=) You and dad need to come over to our place for dinner sometime! Well...when we get table. ;=) Anyhow, miss you and love you!