Monday, March 19, 2007

What Kids do Say

Becki it doesn't matter how old your kids get they still come up with some of the funniest things some days. Jessa was on her way to church with Devon and Joleesa and Devon was asking why we were so concerned with Jody going by himself to Kenai? Joleesa shared with him the two times about 3 years ago when Jody gave us such a scare and wound up in neuro intensive care with what we thought was a stroke but turned out to be migranes. They came on him out of nowhere and so that's our fear. Any way as they were getting out of the car at church, so were we and we heard Jessa tell Devon "so it's not a good idea to love my dad". I'm like, huh! They explained their conversation but I was still "huh!" She explained that its scary to watch somebody suffer and fear they're going to die when you love them. OK! Wow! We understand what she was saying but its obvious you can't live life that way and poor Devon didn't know how to respond. I told her and Devon it must be ok to love me though cuz she didn't say anything about me ~ wink.

Love ya Jessa and we understand but it's still funny.


Vicki Smith said...

Oooooh, what a PRETTY page you have here! It's so elegant and peaceful looking! And congratulations on the answers to prayers concerning jobs.

J Nowling said...

Thanks Sister Smith, I really like it. Peach is my favorite color too.