Sunday, May 06, 2007

Busy, Busy, Busy!

It sounds like everyone is so busy these days. Why couldn't some things be spread out a little bit. I hate feeling overwhelmed that I don't enjoy planning or even have time to look forward to things because they're so close together.

We have had gorgeous weather here. Yesterday Jody and I took my car to get the studded tires off. It turned out to be about a 5 1/2 hour wait. Fortunately we near the Dimond mall, Best Buy and Barnes and Noble so we walked over to those places. I walked a lot yesterday...yeah, my body knew it too. But it felt good to be outside. Even after going all those places (and Starbucks) we still had to wait a couple of hours. I HATE waiting. Especially when there's so much to do. Why didn't we take two cars? Why didn't I just stay back (because I had errands to run with Jody and I hadn't had much time with him all week). But I should've.

Then I came home and our land lady was there working on the yard. She helped us make the decision to find a house (a bigger place then this duplex). She doesn't know yet but when I asked about a dog for Joleesa's graduation she was quite rude and told me not to even go there. So yeah, Jody even said we'll be looking. Our lease was up in February so we're on a month to month basis. So ugh! Just one more thing. But we WILL NOT RUSH IT! This place we will stay in until we leave Alaska ~smile.

When she FINALLY left I went and got a Cosco membership and then took Joleesa to go get rollerblades like I promised. Then I came home and Jody and I went to visit someone but they were about to leave so we just said hello. Then we took a drive up to see the houses on the mountain. All three girls went with and oh I forgot about the arguing. Ugh! I should'nt have gone but by this time I couldn't get motivated.

Then today I told the girls that could only come for dinner with one stipulation and that was they help address Jolessa's graduation announcements. Faith and Isaiah came too. Jody and Tim took Isaiah to an air show of old planes so us ladies made a quick work of the announcements (any way Jenna, Faith and I did; some how Joleesa and Jessa got out of it). Now we just need to call for a couple of addresses, get stamps and get her pictures printed and stuffed and that's done.

We're off to church now. Love ya all.


Momma Tammi said...

Wow! You've had an extremely busy weekend. Now I'm too tired to eat after reading about it. ~grin~

The Middle J said...

There is a new weight loss idea- tire our friends out so they wont eat hehe

Momma Tammi said...

Yeah, well...that didn't last too long...I finished off the roast from lunch by placing it on two hot dog buns, plus Cheetos, three zesty dill pickle spears and a piece of chocolate cake with a COKE! You that I look at that doesn't sound very good...but it tasted good while I was eating it. ~hee hee~

J Nowling said...

I wish I could say BEING that busy is a diet plan, but doesn't work that way.

Tammy Washburn said...

Being busy for the Lord may not help our diet plans, but it will certainly keep us out of trouble!
We're "building up" and not "tearing down"! I have GOT to find that Assembly message on video :) :)