Friday, May 18, 2007

I'm Glad This Week is Over.

I am sooooo glad this week is over. My week started on Monday with my boss gone on vacation (which I knew was covering his desk) but then my co-worker called in sick, so I had to be three people, Ugh! And I got hit right away with the fact that my graphic artist dropped the wrong ad in Sunday's paper and then dropped a color ad on Wednesday in black and white. Big credits to write...not a good thing.
It was Health week at work so the imaging unit was there for mammogram's so I got that taken care of conveniently (yeah right, I had to find a doctor first because they had to send the results somewhere, so I went around the office asking for recommendations). Then Wednesday they were giving free blood tests (diabetes, thyroid, anemia, a whole gammet). But first you had to have your blood pressure taken. She tried four times and couldn't hear it. It use to run low so I didn't think much of it. We went into the weight room where it was quiet and it 156 over 102. Not good I guess. I've been having headaches alot (and actually had a bad one on Wednesday) but thought it was just a tension headache or allergies. Anyway they went to take my blood and the first poke didn't produce. I wound up having to soak my hand in hot water and wrap it in a warm towel for a few minutes and then they used a special needle. Meen while the office was wondering where I was because what was to take 15 minutes, and I came in early to work, wound up taking 50 minutes and I never made it upstairs to my desk to clock in. The headache continued throughout the day and the last part of the day I'm sitting at my desk and my lense popped out of my glasses along with the screw. Help I'm blind without my glasses. Found it and someone finally fixed it for me. The headache was so bad and I had to teach Bible Study at church. I so wanted to cancel. It was a good study, but oh how I hate rude people who talk and laugh during Bible study, church or whatever. It's even worse when one is an adult and I have this MAJOR headache. I had no supper so afterwards a few of us went to get something to eat. I had hoped that would help but it didn't. Home and a restless night of sleep ended my day.

Yes Thursday the headache was still there. I continued to take my blood pressure at home and it's been 136 over anywhere 94 - 99. Finally Thursday afternoon I realized the headache was gone. Someone was praying for me. Then Matthew met me and and we went and did 90% of the camp food shopping. YEA that's behind me. Then we played I Buy. My goal was not to lose and I didn't, but I didn't win either.
Now today is over, its beautiful outside. We're going to go get a bite to eat and plan our weekend. I really want to take advantage of Jody's free flying and go to Kodiak BUT Jody prefers his feet to stay on the ground ~ ugh why does he not like flying? So we'll either take a drive to Telkeetna or Seward. MY boss says take the cruise at Seward. So he won't fly for free, he can pay to take me on a cruise. Watch we'll probably not do either. BUT I want to, I need to get out of Anchorage. I also need to clean house...but my house cleaning will still be there when I get home. So we'll see what we'll actually do.

Everyone have a GREAT weekend. I know I hope to!


Always Annette said...

I'm Glad This Week is Over.

Me and you both sister!
Maybe when I get better I can fly with you to Kodiak. :0)

Momma Tammi said...

I'm just glad that FRIDAY is over! Thank you for the "Forget-Me-Nots". It was so sweet of you to send them to me. We also got Joleesa's announcement--great pic! Hope you are having a great day...I found a store akin to my 100 Yen store in Okinawa and I spent a good hour in there oohing and ahing over everything. My husband has a love/hate relationship with this store. He is thrilled that we found it, but he knows that I can spend entirely too much money when I'm there. If Jenna gets to visit, maybe we can go there and she can help me pick out something great for Joleesa and I can send it back with her. Wow! This has gotten long. It has been forever since we've chatted...hmmm...once this craziness slows down a bit, maybe a phone call...~smile~