Thursday, July 31, 2008


I know I haven't posted for a while. The weekend was busy shopping with Joleesa for her birthday, grocery shopping and then we had some of the youth over for dinner and games. We played Rummikub and after hours of playing this game since before Christmas, playing Saturday and losing and then again on Sunday afternoon... I WON!!! Woo Hoo! It was great. Saturday night Josh, Micah, Jenna and I were playing and then Josh had to leave so Joleesa took Josh's place. Everyone had won but me. Matthew came in later and was helping me on the last round. I had more tiles then my tray could hold, and even with Matthew's help I still lost. Prior to his coming though Micah had made the comment how it would be perfect to set a mirror on the shelf under the glass of our coffee table and be able to "see" the tiles before choosing. I actually went and got one and was going to do it once Josh got back, but he never came. It was still sitting there Sunday afternoon and it hit me hey I should try this. But it's not easy to "cheat" with a mirror, everything's reverse. I wasn't being sly at all about as I had to touch the different tiles to be sure I was getting the one I wanted. I saw Micah look at me, but he was great, never let on one iota. I played the whole round, getting the smiley wild once that way, but I still loss. We were about to start the next round and out of no where Josh says, with this glass it would be perfect to put a mirror under here to see the tiles. That mirror would be perfect (as he points to the mirror by me), as he looks up and sees me grin and then Micah begins to chuckle. It was great fun. I'm glad I didn't win that round, it would've been a real bummer to only win by cheating. BUT the next round I won fair and square. Win or lose, I enjoy that game.

The rest of the week has been really busy. Work I'm trying to be sure I have everything done and work ahead because of being gone. Then the evenings spent doing laundry, packing, etc. I'm exhausted. I've got my packing almost done. Tonight I have to do the state books and finish packing as Jessa and I leave out tomorrow night. We're headed to the Williams for the weekend and then drive down to Cleveland. Brother Nowling will be flying in on Monday (he leaves out Sunday night) and Jenna on Tuesday (Joleesa won't be able to go because of starting her new job). Jessa and I were flying standby on Alaska Air and then American Eagle. American Eagle is full from Chicago to Charlotte so she's checking on Northwest standby Anchorage, to Mpls. and then on to Charlotte. Alaska Airlines has partnerships with some of the other airlines and we can do this. I would be panicking but I know I'll make it there. Now I HAVE to be back for work on Monday, so we're prepared to possibly have to buy me a one way ticket back, but Lord willing it too will be fine.

Well, I need to go eat and then get busy again. See some of you soon.


Jessa Stephens said...

LOL tooo funny!!

Ya...we'll make it!!! Don;'t know how yet, but we will! =)

Vicki Smith said...

YAY! FINALLY a new post! --I'm a lousy cheater, too. It's just not in me. Brother Smith, on the other hand, LOVES to cheat. He thinks that's what games are all about--it's all a game to see how much cheating you can get away with without being caught. Jerk. ;-)

J Nowling said...

LOL And here Jenna was trying to make me feel guilty, their pastor's wife cheating (as she too was laughing). It was funny, she was right next to me and didn't catch on...although she gets into her game AND she was talking on the computer to Grayson while we all were listening to the live audio stream of the Millen church's evening service.