Sunday, December 14, 2008

Can We Go Back to Friday Night?

It's been such a busy weekend. Brother Nowling and I went out for dinner Friday night. I was so craving halibut, though I would've loved to go to Sea Galley I knew it's just way too expensive and usually packed on Friday nights so we went to the Sourdough Mining Company. It too can be expensive but I knew that I could get the Motherlode which is a sampler of of halibut, chicken strips and potato skins for $12. It satisfied the craving. Then we went to find my dad's gift. With him being in the nursing home I wanted to find him an Alaska blanket. I've looked and though some had moose or bear on them, they could have been from anywhere and they anywhere from $70-$100 (more than I could spend). But we found it at "Once in a Blue Moose". It actually is a heavy throw that says Alaska, the last frontier and then has scenes of Alaska all over the blanket. It's perfect. Every year there's a "perfect" gift that I find for someone and this year it's my dad.

Then we went to Target and got a few things. Then Saturday morning we actually slept in until 9 am. I got up and fixed french toast and bacon, started laundry, we picked up the house, went to a coffee shop and got ourselves some coffee, visited our dear Sister Texter. From there we headed to the post office with the intent of getting my passport so I could go to England. Yeah right, at Christmas time. The lines were soooo long so I picked up the application and I'll fill it out and try to take it in soon. Then we headed to Walmart and Cosco. I dropped Brother Nowling off, headed to Michaels and then the grocery store. And before we knew it Saturday was gone.

Sunday, I got stew put in the oven, and we headed out to church. SS was great and Brother Nowling preached a really good message on the Ugliness of Christmas...the sin of the world that made it necessary for Christ to come. It was really thought provoking. Tonight is our Christmas program and then Brother Nowling will be preaching on "The Beauty of Christmas". It sounds like we'll have some visitors. We'll then be having refreshments afterwards.

So the weekend is flying by and I have so much to do. Brother Nowling wants us to put on a ham dinner for the Church next Sunday. I love the idea. It's our family thanking the church for their love and giving...but it's not going to be easy as there is no kitchen at the church. I have to transport everything. I don't want to do it just do it half way either. I want it to be perfect from the decorating to the food to the fellowship. Though I'm looking forward to it, I'm also stressing over it so please pray that I stay calm and that everything comes together.

Everyone have a great week.


Vicki Smith said...

First of all, let me say, "CONGRATULATION" on your soon-to-be addition to the family! I'm so happy for all of you.
As you described your weekend I felt like I was there with you eating at the Sourdough Mining Company (really enjoy going there!) and shopping at the Once in a Blue Moose. I have the images of those places in my mind. Fun!
Don't stress over the ham dinner. Just do your best. Of course, this advise is coming from a woman who doesn't have one SINGLE jot or tittle of Christmas decor in or on her house! On my way out of town last week I switched out the fall mailbox cover and flag at the street with snowman ones, but there's NOTHING Christmas around here. Yet. If it happens, it happens. If not, oh well. Life will go on.