Sunday, December 28, 2008

A Lazy Christmas

We had a lazy Christmas. Due to Brother Nowling and Jessa having to work. Jessa got in at 3:30 am and Brother Nowling at 8:30 am. Jessa had to head back to work at 2 pm and Brother Nowling at 9 pm so we decided to have our Christmas dinner on Saturday. We opened gifts as soon as Brother Nowling changed into in his pj's (I know kind of reversed). This year I did what I haven't done for several years, the girls all got the same things just in different colors or styles, so I played Santa and passed out the gifts so they would be opening the same gifts at the same time. Though it's not the way I like to do things, it worked this year. They seemed to like everything they got. I got Brother Nowling a camera. He's always relied on the girls or me to take pictures. But he'll be headed to Colorado next month to be the evangelist for their men's retreat and he's going by himself. I was trying to figure out what to do about a camera for him when he actually ASKED for one. So I got him a Nikon, point and shoot as we keep calling it. He's funny with it as he learns to use it...which he is doing. Then I got an I Phone. He is so cute, as he is so proud of himself for pulling it off as I had no idea. AND he got a great deal. He knew one of the guys at AT&T as he works with through Alaska Airlines. Anyway through his AA discounts and some other strings they pulled, he actually got the phone for half price. I bought an I Touch a while back with a bonus check from work. I was kicking myself for not just waiting for the I phone to come out and he kind of uses my I Touch more than I so...he did good. He's so proud as he did my birthday and Christmas by himself. Any way after gifts Brother Nowling, Joleesa and Jessa went to bed. Jenna and I watched movies, and played on the computer. Joleesa got up and fixed baked ziti for supper and that was our Christmas. Saturday we had brisket and though it cooked all day, it wasn't the best brisket but I think it was the meat itself and it could've been my frustration that Joleesa went into work at McDonald's because they were short so we still weren't all together. All in all it was still good.

Today's SS and service was really good. Lately I've been thinking a lot of how easily people give up on God. I heard on Dr. Dobson that Christians go into marriage thinking it's for life. And though they don't always "feel" in love, they know they still love each other and when things get tough they just hang in there and watch their love grow deep. Well we're in this relationship with Christ for life (more ways then one). When the going gets tough and we're not "feeling" God we have to know He's still there and our relationship with Him is growing stronger through each trial. We can't just "give up". Well today's lesson on "watching" for Him brought so many thoughts along that way. We don't know when He's coming and I'm one that hates to wait...but I have to live like it's today. And when it talked about temptations...we may not be tempted to do drugs, smoke, drink, etc, but our temptation may be to be discouraged, frustrated, disappointed, etc so much so that it becomes the enemy's snare to get us to give up. Watching is two fold here, watching that enemy doesn't lure us away AND watching for His return and making sure every second of every day we are ready.

Then Brother Nowling preached on sorrow turning to joy...he referred to the song "Give Them All". It was really an encouraging message after a time of worship.

I have determined no matter what anyone else does, I'm going to worship, I'm going to glean from the time we are to be learning of Him. I get so frustrated to the rudeness and disrespect some individuals have texting, writing notes, playing games on their phones, being on their "little" computers, whispering, etc. I tell you the day of judgement is coming and I don't want to lose out on any opportunity and I only wish those that do this would recognize that recompense is hard thing. BUT no matter what I want to reap all that I can from Him to help me to make it to the end. There are days my mind wonders and I find myself fighting a physical battle reining it in...but I don't want to be found guilty of purposely missing something OR of being a distraction to someone else.

Wow. I've really strayed from my subject line...sorry. I think I'll go take a little nap.


Vicki Smith said...

One of the main reasons we sit so close to the front in any church service is because I'm way too easily distracted. The more people I can see, the more distracted I am. I can get so much more out of a service when I don't know what other people are doing. And when I'm up front, moderating a service or leading songs, I focus on whoever is worshipping or paying attention. All your victory can be drained by paying attention to the individuals who are being rude or ignoring what the Lord is trying to get across in the service. DON'T LOOK AT THEM! There's bound to be at least ONE individual who is putting their heart into the service; look at them or keep your eyes closed. If you allow the devil to zap your victory by getting you frustrated at the ones he's already been able to corral, then he's got them AND you! Refuse to let the devil win. "Others may (be victims of the devil's wiles), but I must not."

Jessa Stephens said...

I thought Christmas went well! Despite everything......thanks for playing santa!! ;)