Wednesday, December 02, 2009

What a Week and it's only Wednesday

Well I got released from the criminal trial today. So I won't be a juror on this case. I've got mixed emotions about that. It was a case of a young man with charges of murdering a teenage girl back in 2007 when attending a party with underage drinking. I truly think I didn't get selected due to my working at the newspaper even though I knew nothing about the case. I don't read the newspaper. It's not my thing, and seeing as I work in advertising if I see one my ads messed up on a Sunday in particular, it makes me dread even more going in to work. And some times ignorance is bliss when my advertisers complain about the editorial.

When I got back to the office Joleesa wasn't feeling well. She was having severe cramping. First it was coming and going and then she sat at my desk for about 20 minutes with severe cramping and her face was so flushed I got on the phone to her triage nurse, who wasn't going to have her come in for 2 1/2 hours, and told her my concerns. She then she had me bring her to the hospital maternity triage. As we watched the machine she was having some major contractions. It turns out she was dehydrated. Fortunately it didn't go beyond the contractions. But after 3 hours at the hospital and 3 hours of jury duty and jury duty yesterday, I had to work late. A different kind of stress that's for sure.

Fortunately I don't have jury duty tomorrow. I have to call tomorrow night for Friday and then I'm done. Yes. It's been an interesting experience.

I can't wait for Friday.


Vicki Smith said...

I go to the court house today to be assigned to a panel. ??? I still don't understand how it all works, but I guess I'll know after today.
So sorry about Joleesa. I hope she learned a lesson--drink PLENTY of fluids! Red raspberry leaf tea is very beneficial for pregnant ladies--not TOO much, but at least a couple of cups (or glasses, if you turn it into iced tea) a day will really help make her uterine and pelvic muscles healthy. Red Raspberry Leaf contains many minerals and vitamins, including vitamin C and calcium. It also contains an alkaloid called fragrine, which lends tone to the uterus. Lots of midwives recommend it. I've also heard it helps prevent excessive blood loss during delivery.