Monday, April 05, 2010

A Blessed Easter

I truly had a blessed Easter weekend. It was VERY busy, which I knew it would be. I woke up Saturday and put laundry away and then headed out shopping for Easter breakfast at church and dinner at home. I got home and Brother Nowling and I headed over to the church to meet up with Tim and Becky to decorate for the Easter Breakfast. I had planned on using some of the decorations from Jessa wedding but when I couldn't find table cloths to match, I started over with my ideas. I wound up going with one lemon yellow table cloth and two white ones (there was only the one yellow left; all the other colors were way to bright and ugly). I found one green and two yellow tulip candle holders and these cute birds (green dove like) that said "love" on them. So they became our center pieces. Yellow napkins on the white tables, white napkins on the yellow table, yellow, green and white plates, and white cups. It was simple but pretty (I think Jenna took pictures so I'll try to get my hands on them and put some up if blogger will let me). From there I went to make copies of our lesson for our youth Bible Study Saturday night. Then I went home and had a 45 minute power nap as I was totally exhausted. I headed over to Tim and Becky's for Bible study. It was a great study. I don't know what the young people thought but it was on the Lord's Prayer from "Disciplined Disciples" and it had many powerful thoughts it. Everyone really participated. I love teaching the youth. I miss teaching their SS class. I was really proud to see Joleesa and Micah and Megan come out with their little ones. We have such a great group of youth. It was great as one would need a diaper change and then the other would need a diaper changed ~ smile. We are so blessed.

I then went home and with my hubby's helped me make the breakfast casseroles for the church's Easter Breakfast. I made two, sausage and egg, and ham and egg. Becky made a bacon and egg one and Jessa made fruit bread and a blueberry coffee cake like. It was a great breakfast. We had 20 out. I also boiled eggs and bought egg dye and set it up in the kids class room. I asked those that would to go dye the eggs and by after church they were dry so we could hide them for Lillian to find. Levi hid them in the halls and then he really got into helping Lillian, along with Heather and Micah.

I need to add our 3 little ones looked great in their Easter out fits. Lillian was so cute in her floor length dress with little cardigan and Easter hat. Then there was our handsome little Caleb with his black slacks, tie and vest. Then of course our adorable Savannah with her fancy little white dress with pink flowers and ribbon, pink headband and little satin shoes. Just the cutest sight to behold.

Our services both morning and evening were full of worship and praise and searching. The Holy Ghost took over Sunday evening and brought us to the altar twice. Johnna Wilson sang beautifully "The Lamb of God" and then Levi preached on the Lamb of God that was slain. I felt for him as He tried to find the will of God for his message after such a move of God.

In between services we came home and Jenna took family pictures (one more thing I'll post once I can get them from her). I put on a ham dinner for our family, helped Jenna clean up and did book work while everyone else napped. I finished just 10 minutes before we had to leave for church. So it was an exhausting but blessed weekend.


Unknown said...

the breakfast was wonderful, as were BOTH services. i was sooo tired Sunday night and could feel the struggle as I tried to worship even as my body was fading away. Caleb got hungry/fussy once the message started, but i was able to keep listening due to our lack of doors on the nursery- a surprise blessing in spite of how loud the little ones can get!

but i did really appreciate the bible study saturday night. we were trying our best to juggle everything, especially since we were without a vehicle, but God worked that out! but you're right, the bible study had so many wonderful thoughts that have been on my mind and in my prayers ever since.

God is working greatly with this young church- I can't wait to see what He has in store for us!

Jessa Stephens said...

Thank you for mentioning I preached Sunday night!!!! Jessa didnt mention it in her blog:(..... lol I'm teasing her...Levi

J Nowling said...

Megan - you really did look exhausted. I was really concerned. I am actually thankful for no doors on the nursery for that reason. We'll all get use to the babies crying. It's the sound of life. There's definitely going to be great things for all those that will be faithful.

Levi - I even remember what you preached (clearing throat) unlike a certain son-in-law of mine has said when I preached (smile).

Vicki Smith said...

Johnna Wilson??? Johnna's up there?
Sounds like a great Easter weekend. --Sorry it's taken me so long to drop by and read your blog!--You have a LOT of young people. What a blessing. If they can focus on devoting their energy, love and hearts to pleasing God your church will explode!
You're really an overachiever to do all you did on Easter! Breakfast at church, morning service, Easter dinner, then another service? Wow. I stand astonished and amazed!