Thursday, April 01, 2010

It's been so long....

since I've blogged. I'm sorry. I've tried several times and either I had computer problems or couldn't put in to words the many thoughts, feelings, emotions and changes I've been experiencing.

Life is truly different around here these days. We are finding our family growing closer together than ever before. Many time in my life I have felt like my family took the back seat to church work. I have felt a tremendous need to have the girls, Levi, Savannah and Dallas around me. I've been enjoying them more now than ever. I have want to have "family" time. It hasn't matter what we were doing, just that we were together. It's been very special.

I have found myself taking a step back from church know feeling like it HAS to be done so if no one else will do it, then I've GOT to do it. No if no one else is going to do it, I guess it's just not going to get done. It's not that I don't care about the church people or the church work...but it's ok if it doesn't get done. If we don't have it.... I promise I'm just trying find my place these days. Not in a bad way...just a new way. I know God will bring me to that place He wants me in but I'm just walking slowing in the way to that place. It may be a little bit because, things are going to be changing even more when little Noah comes. I need and want to be there for Jessa, Levi and Noah... I've got a peace in all the changes because these are good changes, but they are still changes. God is my rock through the changes and He continues to give wisdom and guidance along the way.

I know, you were all probably better off before I blogged, but this is just tad bit of my thoughts these days.


Vicki Smith said...

Changes are fine, and even necessary to growth--just make sure you've asked GOD's counsel concerning each and every decision. What is most pleasing to the Lord? Forget about pleasing people or jumping through all the hoops to do this or that--just focus on pleasing the Lord. Happy changes!

J Nowling said...

I've learned there's a major key in changes...time. I'm not referring to "give it time you'll find your way" but take time to respond. Don't jump and say "yes" and don't jumpt to say "no". I always just said yes or did it if it wasn't being done. Now I take the time to seek the Lord, is it ok for me to say "no" Lord or are you wanting me to stretch myself and do this. I hate saying "yes" and backing out...time to seek God is the major key to changes.