Monday, March 17, 2008

Went to Bethel...and back

We had youth convention in Bethel this weekend. Sister Kim did a great job. Unfortunately I came down Wednesday late afternoon with this horrible bug that put 8 of our graphic designers out in the same day. It came on real fast. Chest, throat, head, eyes, sinuses the works. Ugh. I was so looking forward to convention and fellowship with the Bethel saints. I called Brother Bobby to find out there feelings of my coming if I was sick. I didn't want to offend anyone for being there sick (taking the possibility of spreading it). They said if I felt up to it to come ahead. So, though several times I had second thoughts, and the people at work I thought I shouldn't go. But I went. I enjoyed the preaching and the Spirit. But all my body wanted to do was sleep. Any way. I was miserable physically but my spirit was blessed. The ladies worked so hard putting on a luncheon Saturday afternoon and then Sister Connie and Sister Jacquelyn put on a caribou feast in celebration of Nathan and Rusty shooting their first caribou. A celebration of entering into manhood (poor Rusty). It was a true feast, I wish my taste buds would have allowed me to enjoy it. It was neat to watch it all come together as the ladies gave out "useful" gifts to all present as part as the traditional celebration. Those ladies out did themselves. Sister Jacquelyn's chocolate cake, that Rusty tried to convince everyone that it wasn't any good (so he could have it all to himself), it was awesome cake (if my taste buds were having problem on that cake, it was even better than I thought).

Brother Mojin's last words to me at the airport when several were seeing Sister Kim and us off, was that he was glad that I came even though I wasn't feeling well, meant so much to me. I was constantly afraid that there would be some that wouldn't appreciate my bringing "the cold" with me. Sister Connie tried to help me with her homemade cough syrup, which may very well have worked, but Garlic doesn't settle well on my stomach.

Flying home I thought I broke my right eardrum though. I have never felt so much pressure in my ear like I did taking off. I just fought the tears as the pain was so excruiating but after about 10 minutes it finally let up. It didn't pop, but it the pain subsided. The landing hurt too but not as bad.

Bottom line...I'm tired of being sick this winter. I think this is about the third time I've had this same bug!!! I had to go to work today because was on vacation, but if I'm not feeling considerably better tomorrow, I'm staying home. I am not carrying this bug with me for weeks as I have before. Sleep is going to make it leave.

Thank you Brother Bobby and Sister Annette for putting up with my coughing and sniffles (and Sister Kim). I look forward to coming again to enjoy those precious girls that you are so good with. Thanks to all the Bethel folks, I'm glad I went.