Sunday, November 11, 2007

Houston We Have SNOW!

If you read Jenna's blog you found out we got a considerable amount of snow and we're getting more this morning. Something about that first snowfall; so beautiful puts you in the Christmas spirit. My shopping consisted of geat deals on stocking stuffers. It was fairly warm out so we walked outside around downtown. I really enjoyed myself, but days like that remind me how out of shape I am as I began to really hurt.

Homemade chicken noodle soup was a great cap on the first "significant" snowfall. Along with the first snows come accidents. Yesterday was no difference. Downtown had about 5 blocks barricaded off for I guess 4-5 hours. It turned out a semi-truck somehow rolled over a pedestrian and I didn't know it because: it's a semi-truck, it was dark, and the snow. It has got to be one of the most gruesome accidents ever as it went several blocks before another driver flagged him down as he saw the victim under the truck. You can imagine the rest. They haven't identified the victim yet, but that is a family that is really going to need prayer. THEN last night, when Brother Nowling was taking Jenna home, a couple blocks from our house their was a major accident right in front of the high school. With at least one car turned over on it's roof, from what I understand.

Life is full of so many things that are good in themselves, but if not handled, or used properly they become a detrement.

My purpose was not to be negative, as the snow is still beautiful TODAY ~smile. And I'm glad it waited until November to really come. The weather person said we are to have a cold winter with minimal snow ~ ugh. I'd rather have the snow then the cold. BUT tomorrow I get an autostart put on my car ~yippee. I work in a BIG place with a huge parking lot and I usually have to start my car and sit in a very cold car while it warms up, because by the time I walk across the parking lot I'm freezing anyway. This is a great thing.

Sorry, enough rambling, I need to get a roast in the oven and get ready for church. I hope everyone else had a great service. Several of our young people will be gone today do to work, going out of town or other things. We'll be small today, but where two or three are gathered, He'll be in the midst.

Quick note about the funeral. Brother Texture is a veteran and will be buried at Fort Richardson, having said that, the military needs 48hour notice and they're closed on Monday so the funeral won't be until Thursday or Friday.