Friday, November 23, 2007

Relaxing Thanksgiving

We had a very relaxing Thanksgiving. Other than cleaning a little and fixing dinner everyone slept. I dozed several times myself even. Brother Nowling and Joleesa slept until 2 pm after working all night. They got up and helped get everything on the table and visited for a short time and went back to bed and I laid down for another nap on the couch. I got them both up to help me move furniture around to get ready for our Christmas tree. We won't put that up until Saturday night as I will be shampooing the carpet Saturday as it desperately needs it. Brother Nowling then went to work, Jessa came home from work and ate leftovers but all of us went to bed at our normal time.

I slept so sound but got up this morning to go to work but could've slept even longer, but off to work I go.

Oh, we did have one guest. Joleesa (we) are taking care of Matthew Peter's dog Kershaw while he is gone this week. She is a good dog (except for when she stinks up the house and we can't breathe ~ lol). She so likes to be loved.

Gotta run. Have a good day.


Kasey said...

thats funny, about Kershaw.