Monday, November 19, 2007

Summary of my Life this past Week!

Constantly exhausted! I've been busy but still have gotten plenty of sleep but I have been tired day and night ugh!

Monday my dear husband got me something I wanted last winter so bad an autostart for my car. I asked for one with my "big" commission check and he did it. It is awesome to stand at my desk on the second floor and start my car. It takes about 10 minutes by the time I walk through the building and out to the car so this is great. That actually was a highlight of my week.

Every night it seemed like I was out doing something or working late and yet I can't remember what I did. Thursday was Brother Texter's funeral. It was a beautiful funeral and the military honor at the graveside was serene in the winter beauty and the last goodbye. There were lots of tears. He was a precious man and I look forward to seeing him again in heaven. Sister Texter desperately needs our prayers, she is so worn out and looks so lost. She came out to church yesterday morning but wasn't feeling good last night.

I'm tired of shopping and I haven't began my Christmas shopping yet (well kind of, I've done my online stuff and stocking stuffers). My shopping has been for winter boots and I've had a terrible time finding any to go over my fat ankles. I finally found some at Burlington Coat Factor. I love them, they're so warm BUT they have a bit of a wedged heel and I really didn't want that...but it was the best I could find as I had gotten desperate with all the snow we've gotten.

Because of the snow yesterday morning I was digging through my shoe box to try to find some shoes that had some substance to cover my feet and not just my little flats. Some how I did the dumbest thing, I wore two different shoes to church. They had the same size heel and both covered my feet but one has two zippers on it and the other one a decorative buckle. They look nothing a like but on my feet they felt the same. I looked at them so many times and never realized it....go ahead and laugh it gets better. I was even in front of the SS class and the zipper one was hurting my foot a little so I unzipped and took it off for a moment and put it back on, still didn't notice it ~ shaking head. When Jenna went to close out SS she hugged me and said "mom you have two different shoes on", I looked down and wanted to die. Brother Nowling told me to just take my shoes off to lead song service but I thought that would draw more attention and the floor is cement under the carpet and I put them back on and led song service. Only one person commented TO ME and the comment "was love your shoes" from one our young men...ugh. Now Brother Nowling has some more arsenol to use on me. He always uses my being directionally challenged. I told him that at least I still have my MEMORY (he forgets constantly) his response was when I really get ahlzheimers, you'll be the first to go...and then he laughed (along with Jessa) for hours, with tears rolling down his cheeks. Can you believe it, the same loving husband that got me my fabulous autostart is that mean. ~giggle

Saturday night was our youth activity and we had a lot of good laughs together. Then last night we had our VLB service and I really wanted to focus on things to be thankful for and each youth did a wonderful job of bringing the tears. I really love our youth. Please pray for them as several of them are nowing having to work Sundays. They desperately need the money but I can't believe God wants them to sacrifice this time with Him. I know HE can make it work.

Well need to get ready for work. God bless.


Vicki Smith said...

Great shoe story! HA!!! You're not alone. Brother Smith has twice (that I know of) worn unmatching shoes to church and once he was part way to church when he realized he was wearing his fur-lined houseshoes. :-) My sister-in-law packed only one pair of shoes to wear during the entire Assembly one year. The only problem was that there was one blue shoe and one black shoe! I, of course, would NEVER do anything so silly! *rolling eyes*