Monday, November 05, 2007

Brother Texture Up Date

Brother Texture is still with us. His breathing is very shallow. Actually there are times his breathing stops and then he starts in again. They actually had the whole family there tonight as they don't think he'll linger too much longer. We had church next door while they were all there. It was difficult at first but we knew we needed to. Then several took turns going over as that's what Sister Texture wanted. The grace of God is helping the family. Sister Grant has had someone at work donate vacation time to her. Between that and her sick time she's been able to be with her parents. Her sister also works for Alaska Airlines in Juneau and they are allowing her to use sick time. They appreciate the prayers, please continue. The hardest part is the waiting and watching.

It's like watching Brother Nowling's dad as he passed away several years ago. Although there's a major difference, Brother Nowling's dad wasn't saved, unless during our visits as he had me sing to him and the tears ran down his cheeks, that maybe repentence came. With Brother Texture, we know where he's going and we can celebrate his homecoming and know that we will see him again someday.

I'll try to keep everyone updated. Sister Tammi, they got your local church's Birthday card on Friday. They really appreciated it. His wall is covered with cards of love.


Momma Tammi said...

I am so glad that he got the card. We are all continuing to pray for him daily. Sister Adams called Sister Texter just before our service began Sunday night and she said it sounded like the entire church was there singing for him.

When the apnea begins, they usually don't linger long. I'm praying that God will be merciful to Brother Texter and the family.