Thursday, February 07, 2008

Please Pray! Sickness has Invaded Us!

I haven't blogged for a while as it's been all we could do to keep going. Sickness has invaded our household. To just do a quick update...I had surgery Friday, a biopsy of a swollen lymphnodes in my lungs to rule out lymphoma. Which they did and diagnosed sarcoidosis disease. A disease of the immune system that is not lifethreatening but wears many faces and I don't understand it. But bottom line is it's not cancer and now I just need to heal from the surgery which is taking place slowly. It's been a long, exhausting week.

Along with this we've had the cold being passed around (I had it but supposedly got over it before my surgery) except for my cough, tightness in my chest and exhaustion (all symptoms of sarcoidosis). Thursday night before my surgery, Jody got sick again with it and Jenna and Joleesa came down with the stomach flu (vomiting and all). Jessa wound up taking Friday off to take care of me so Jody could sleep. Now yesterday Jody came down with the stomach flu (vomiting, fever and all).

We need intervention. I can't get sick with the flu as it will rip open the 2 1/2 inch sutures in my neck. We want (need) to get on with life.

Oh by way COLD has also infested Alaska. Deep freeze of approx 20 below zero. Please pray for us all.


Momma Tammi said...

I was praying for your biopsy on Friday. Thanks for letting us know the outcome. We'll be praying for you guys.

J Nowling said...

Thanks Sister Tammi. I know there was only a handful that knew about it. It was how I needed to deal with it...then it was ok, now that I didn't say anything what do I say about not saying anything.

Anyway, please keep the prayers coming. I really feel rotten and have to keep going.

Momma Tammi said...

Each one of us deal with things of this nature differently. Some need everyone to know...others...just a few that they know will pray. You don't have to explain why you didn't share. I knew only because your husband asked my husband to pray. I wasn't upset that you didn't tell me what you were going through. Don't worry about not saying anything. Stressing over that will only make you sicker, so...

We'll continue praying. God will give you the strength to do what needs to be done.

Vicki Smith said...

Sister Bishop has been VERY SICK, too, and needs prayer. The BLOOD has never lost its power and can still heal our bodies. I'll be praying.

J Nowling said...

Thanks ladies. Sister Smith please let Sister Bishop know we're praying for her and keep us updated.