Friday, August 15, 2008

Disappointed But Not Discouraged!

We can't get into our new building yet as they don't have it finished. They can't get the carpet laid until Monday. I was really looking forward to that but in all honesty with all the busyness of the week and my having to work tomorrow, I felt like there was so much I wanted to get done before we moved in (signs, altar, pictures on the walls, a cross, etc) and I just haven't had the time or energy.

It has felt like Satan has tried to rob me of all the blessings of the assembly by the complications, etc that followed right afterwards. Tonight I was looking through Jenna's pictures and it brought me back there and I really praised the Lord for so many things that took place. I want to highlight the things that meant so much to me.

-First off-spending time with Brother and Sister Williams and the precious ladies at their local church. If ever someone has become family to us it's these two special people.
-Fields of the Woods and the plane flying was awesome. I don't think a lot of our young people know the meaning behind it, so it showed me one more part of our heritage that we need to share. Along with that, the feeling that FOW always gives me because it does represent our heritage, no matter what some of tried to do to change it.
-Then I can't remember what night it was, but when we spent time at the altar with Joleesa. Within the last month the enemy has disrupted her life and tried to discourage her as she tried to get closer to God. Our precious Brother Keven Lewis and Chris Clarkson were determined to help her get what she needed. It was great to see her go through to the Holy Ghost, but was even more precious to have our whole family together with her and then others that mean a lot to us to help us to victory.
-Then spending time with Brother Dupre after one of the services at Steak N Shake. We started off reminiscing about when he and his wife came and held revival for us in MN right after the re-organization. Then enjoying the stories of his trips abroad.
-Message by Sharon Morrow, especially her testimony about her dad.
-Song by Sister A. Cox, "I Still Believe In The Church"
-Brother Hawkins and the testimony and slides of the African overseers. I really loved that time. It actually took us there. When I saw the water baptisms in that dirty water, I thought of the people that have told us they would only be baptised in a pool...Lord help us to not be so spoiled. I loved hearing them singing.
-Sister Maudy Woods and the "chains". So many chains that try to bind us.
-The Spanish overseers and their singing. It is something how you don't understand a word but oh how the Spirit ministers.
-The Parade of Nations...the moving of the Holy Ghost, the flag waving, Brother Castro holding the Church flag. When Brother Anders knelt praying with him, I thought "this is our spiritual Iwo Jima".
-The VLB march and program. I always love the march whether I'm in it or watching it. The preaching was so pointed and timely and then to see the altar flood with youth. I wanted to pray with one of our youth but I couldn't get up there to. I actually wished I was a man that I could climb over the seats as I saw several do. Also, praying with Sister Sharon Griffin's nephew for sanctification and the Holy Ghost. My throat was so soar, and I was coughing so but she called me up there, I didn't know what she was wanting but it's amazing how when I was praying God held off the cough. Anyway, seeing her sisters and mother so desiring Cody to get what God had for him and see Sister Sharon getting so blessed was awesome. Also, watching Brother Ryan Peter working with altar with his little daughter on his shoulder. I so praise the Lord for the young couples that aren't allowing their children to hold them back but are taking them right there with them. What a great way to begin their lives.

Take the time to browse through Jenna's pictures and allow them to take you back there;

Everyone have a great weekend.


Vicki Smith said...

Wonderful recollections. We are blessed to have SO MANY things that weren't available centuries ago. We take photographs for granted, but just think what a blessing they are! They take us back to the event and allow us to relive the feelings we felt at the time. Praise God! And Jenna did a fabulous job with all of her photographs.