Saturday, August 30, 2008

What A Week! ~ Revised

This has been a whirlwind of a week. I have been so busy at work. Wednesday I put in 11 hours and today I put in 11 hours. It's one thing to put in a lot of hours, but these are hours where your running against the clock for deadline after deadline. As all have probably heard, Alaska's Governor, Gov. Sarah Palen has been chosen as the VP running mate for the republican John McCain. I walked into the office, thankfully Jody had called me to let me know as I don't have tv or radio on when getting ready for work, and things were already a whirlwind. Partner that with the fact that the dividends that Alaskans will be getting are at about $3200 per person with the first set of checks to go out 9/12 (two weeks earlier than usual), we have a PFD sales catalog that deadlined today. I've spoken with businesses all over the US regarding advertising in this publication. It was insane. I am exhausted and ready for a long weekend.

The good news of this day was the paper was giving away free tickets to the state fair. I haven't been to the state fair for years. So I begged Jody to go with me tomorrow afternoon. I still have two more tickets as I don't think the girls want to go. It's something different. So tomorrow morning when Jody gets home from work after 8 am, I'll get up and clean house, then go get Jenna to go JoAnn Fabrics and Michaels to get the rest of the material for the banners and some other things for church, then go to the fair. Sunday, I believe Brother Mack will be preaching Sunday morning, and then I'm excited about our first youth service in our new building (where I have room to do something) and something we'll be doing. We're going to "Walk In our Brother/Sister's Shoes". I hope the Lord really gets the message I feel He's given me across through many different means. Then Monday, Value Village has everything 50% off and I know there's a set of shelves that I want to get for the church, A big wicker basket to set by the piano for song books, and hopefully I'll find some other good bargains for the Church.

Oh, Brother Nowling, Josh, Matt and Tim got our piano over to the church on Monday (my living room looks strange without but it bigger). Joleesa played it on Wednesday while Micah attempted to play guitar but couldn't as it's about 1/2 octave out of tune. So now we've got to get it tuned. Ugh! I know what it cost in Wisconsin to tune it, so I'm afraid what it's going to cost here. Oh well...And the acoustics is that place makes it so loud....that's kind of a good thing, when Jessa plays, as she plays real soft. I'm going to get some felt to put on the back of it so it looks better and hopefully it will soften the sound as well.

Also, we should be getting our Church flag here soon. Brother Werkheiser said it was mailed out last week. Then we need to get poles, stands and an American flag. We're really excited about that as we haven't pastored a church since our first pastoral that had them (and I'm not sure if Janesville had them or not). Then we'll still have an altar and SS attendance board to get (along with some posters, etc for the SS rooms). Lord, please show us how to do our altar, we so need one.

Yep, I'm looking forward to the long weekend. I hope everyone has a great one.


Jessa Stephens said...

I wanna go!!!

J Nowling said...

Go where?

Jessa Stephens said...

the fair!