Monday, August 25, 2008


You know since the assembly the enemy has been trying to steal my victory, but he's not been successful. Though I've been so sick (I have an ear and sinus infection), exhausted, frustrated, discouraged, emotionally drained, etc, I have seen God's hand at work.

The Saturday of my mom's passing the young people were so sweet in their own ways showing their sympathy. Then I went to work today and the concern from managers, co-workers and my clients were overwhelming. I actually received two cards from ad agencies that I work with. The one must have had every person in their business sign it. Then my boss came up to me and apologized for not calling last week and seeing how I was doing. He then asked if my mom had a favorite charity. He wanted to send flowers but felt by the time he tracked down where to send them it would be a waste, as well as they don't last. He pushed me for a place that he could give a memorial to and I know when we were in TCOGP together, she use to do craft projects for World Missions. He said whatever I felt, so he gave me a check with the "to" blank and said for me to put wherever. So I'm going to give it for World Missions. He also came in yesterday to work at clearing off my desk so I wouldn't have quite so much to deal. Considering how swamped I still am, I can't imagine how bad it had looked. The retail sales manager and the ad director also stopped by my desk a couple of times to be sure I was ok. All and all I was overwhelmed by their kindness.

Brother Nowling preached a message Sunday about the "perfect bond of LOVE" that the Church needs to have. It's sad to say that some times people in the world show up some of God's people in the area of love. There are some in the Church that have done so much damage by the way they treat others. As I have been hurt by some of those very same people, I so want to remember the importance of the "bond of love" that I need to show to others, no matter how difficult it may be. Some may say the world can't really show "love", what they show is just kindness, but you know there's genuine caring there. I'm not sure I can separate the difference as the expression was so genuine whatever one wants to call it.

Bottom line, I am so thankful to all that showed their love and kindness to me. God has blessed me some precious people in my life and I am truly grateful.


Vicki Smith said...

Through the years, when I've been hurt or offended by careless words or deeds or by outright rudeness of fellow church members, I've tried to take the focus off of the individual and apply the incident as a life lesson to my own life. In other words, I make a mental note and send up a prayer to the Lord that I NOT BE like that person. If we just criticize that person we're doomed to become just like them. But if we ask God to give us grace to overcome the faults we see in others, and we don't begrudge that individual, God will give us grace to LEARN for others' examples--both good and bad. It takes a CONSCIOUS effort, and God's strength and grace, to overcome those faults. I also try to make a mental note and ask God to help me emulate the GOOD qualities of people and implement those those things that have blessed me, to bless someone else. Let everything be a lesson on how to act, or not act, towards others. AMEN!
Thank God for the kindness of your co-workers and clients. Now look for ways to pass that on to others. Amen?

J Nowling said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
J Nowling said...

The post that was removed was mine--it had a major error.

Sister Vicki you are so right. I have even audibly said Lord don't let me be like them. I've even told people close to me, if you ever see me with an ungly attitude or unloving spirit, tell me. I want to have the right spirit before my Lord at all times.