Saturday, May 26, 2007



My baby girl has graduated. Jody couldn't get off work to get there at the beginning so he wasn't there when she walked with the processional. I was crying. It's my baby, and I had no one to share the tears with (parents sat seperate so Isaiah and Jenna were down front, Jessa didn't get to get off and wasn't able to get there until it was all over; but she made it for the picutures). But it was the best graduation ceremony ever. One girl sang Nicole Nordeman's "Legacy" and did a great job of it. Then there were these two young men that did dueling duets on the piano and it was a comedy. It was great. There a guest politician who did the shortest speech I ever heard a poliician give and then what everyone was waiting for the students were presented their diplomas, but not by the school staff. The assistant superintendent handed the diploma to the parents and the parents presented it to the student,while the student presents the mother a rose (given by the school). Some of the students went to the podium and gave thanks to the special people in their lives. Joleesa chose not to say anything, but that was ok. I was fighting the tears as she hugged us both the first time, but then before she turned to walk back, she hugged me again and kissed my cheek and I lost it (as you can see in the picture). She looks so young. She's been through so much and has grown up so very much, but she is my fun loving, sweet, little girl. She looked so young...but she graduated. And I am so proud of her. She is a beautiful young lady and I love her so much. Lord protect as she goes on from here. Direct her path as only you can do. She knows we did not plan to have three kids, but God knew we needed Joleesa. We've shared many tears, but she has brought us so much laughter and joy. Thank you God for giving us this beautiful little girl/young lady.

Tomorrow we celebrate with her open house. She doesn't want anything fancy, just simple and fun! That's my girl!


Unknown said...

happy for you, joey. such a big accomplishment.

you can go so far in your life, and i pray that all your dreams come true.

you know that saying? its true. when you put God first, everything else does fall in place.

have a wonderful time at open house and don't stress out about college and all the big "adult" decisions. everything in due time.

just enjoy yourself. just enjoy being you.

you're a beautiful girl who brings joy to the lives of those around her. never lose that.

take care, joleesa, and celebrate YOUR day!

Two Short of a Dozen! said...

Wow. The time has flown by. I remember you having morning sickness with her. :) Please tell her congratulations for me. You can see pics of DJ's graduation on my blog. love you guys. ~Teresa

J Nowling said...

Hey Teresa, you're thinking of the wrong one. That was Jenna who is now 21. Joleesa was born after we left Janesville and moved to Duluth. Time does go way to fast!