Thursday, May 03, 2007

Ready Or Not Here They Come!!!

Yes, THEY are coming. Brother AND Sister Smith AND Sister Bishop. I didn't get Sister Smith's email until 10:30 pm our time, which means several of you had a chance to see Sister Smith's request for prayer for me to stay calm. And calm I was. I know God wants the Smith's here and Sister Bishop will be an additional blessing so I knew it was going to happen. Before I went to bed I actually went looking at flights and I literally watched one flight turn from $549 to $701 and then a message appear about seats or something. I went to bed leaving it with God. I actually slept better last night than all week once I got to bed. I got up and went for my email the very first thing and there it was "Ready or not here we come." Sister Smith said the only bad thing was that they have to come in on Wednesday instead of Thursday. Just think, we now have put up with them all for an extra day ~ I don't know if we can handle it but gla to try.

I feel like I living several different lives as I change responsibilities from work, to home, to church work. My job is picking up again and things are getting hectic, but so far so good and I'm making some good bonuses. Then I come home and not only the regular household duties but I'm trying to stay on top of Joleesa to finish her school as I was suppose to have everything in May 1st but they said it was ok to get it in next week. Her graduation is May 25th so we have to get her announcements addressed and out, but before we can do that we have to get her graduation pictures printed (we both got real sick right after we picked up her proofs so we haven't gotten the prints). Then I have got to plan her open house for the 26th. During all this I still have camp planning to do. Actually the staff and schedule has come together, but I've still got figure out some things and get supplies. I absolutely HATE doing things the last minute. Plusin the midst of all this, continue on in our regular church responsibilities.

But God's plans are amazing and some times we just need to take a big breath and remind myself, one thing at a time. Yeah Right!!!


Momma Tammi said...

Now I'm reminding you...ONE thing at at time! ~grin~

I'm so glad that it worked out for everyone to make the trip and I is just going to be such a hardship to have to put up with them for an extra day...Oh my! ~hee hee~ You are going to laugh until your sides hurt.

connie said...

We here at Bethel are very excited about convention and camp! Our tickets are to come home on Friday, so even camp dates are changed to let out a day earlier, Anchorage or where ever will just have to put up with us, cause we are going to be trying to soak up all the good spirit and good fellowship that we can while we have a chance too!

J Nowling said...

Sister Connie, I you'll be welcomed in Anchorage in whatever we do.

J Nowling said...

Thanks Sister Tammi, I do have to keep reminding myself one thing at a time. It's tough some days. I want to enjoy it all and if I get too stressed I know I'll get down sick. But I'll make with the prayers.