Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Letting Go of Stress!

I've been so stressed for a couple of weeks now. With Joleesa's graduation, trying to get everything done on that and make it special. I took Friday off and I was going to get my SS card so I could get an Alaka driver's license but after "stressing" trying find the SS office and hen finding a parking spot, I go in and take a number and find I have over an hour wait. Not happening, I'm taking Joleesa to get her driver's license. How cool would that be to get your driver's license on the same day you graduate. Not happening. They had no openings. The graduation was great. And then there was Saturday. We went to get her graduation gift (we carried on my parents tradition) and we get each of our girls a Thompson Chain Study Bible. From there we go to the party craft store to by decorations for her party and some things for camp. I then head to pick up her cake along with other decorations and as the store clerk is bring out my groceries, the cake slides off the bottom and lands, of course, upside down! I have to take a cake from the cooler and have them put her name and all on it. Stress has become my unwanted friend.

Then I have to close out the church books for the year. I continue to plan for camp. Around every bend stress is present as an unwanted guest. Now home, church and work have become partners with stress. How do I get this unwanted visitor to leave. JUST LET IT GO! It tries to leave as things I can't control are taken out of my hands, I try to pull it back by fighting to have control, when all that does is bid stress back when really it's trying to leave. Stress has driven me to cry myself to sleep, but through the Ultimates Friend's Help, Jesus helped me realize. LET GO OF STRESS. Don't hold hands with it. If I'll just do what I can, and what I can't don't STRESS it. I like to know what's happening, when and where. I like to have everything in order but when I can't because I don't have control over some things, DON'T STRESS, just let it go and if there are pieces to pick up and pull together, so be it. He'll help it to all come together.

So I'm trying to LET GO OF STRESS! And keep the unwelcomed visitor out of my life. We'll see how successful I am as it comes down to crunch time. Please pray for peace and calm to be my friends instead.


Momma Tammi said...

Letting go of stress is easier said than done, but oh what a relief it is when you actually let it go. Praying for ya!

marshasblog said...

Praying for you, Sis. Nowling..but you know it always comes together at the last moment..Your a great Camp Director...

I got a Thompson Chain for my graduation too...I thought it was the best gift I receive...still use it to this day...I think I'll do the same for my kids.