Yesterday, Joel Becker (and his wife, Joy and his son Isaac) from The Dunn County News, where I worked for 9 years in Menomonie, WI met me at the Daily News and I gave them a quick tour and then Jody, Joleesa, and Jenna met us and we went to the Artic Roadrunner for dinner. It was so good seeing someone from Menomonie. He was the editor and then assistant editor while I was there. He's now working part-time at the paper as working in youth ministry for one of the Lutheran church's in Menomonie. Him and his wife are very talented musically and in many ways. They're great people and their son is so cute. At 2 years old the little guy talks up a storm. Joel's sister live in Palmer (just outside of Anchorage) so this is actually his third visit to Alaska. He even brought me Legacy Chocolate. It's chocolate truffles made in Menomonie that is the best chocolate. You buy it by the piece. And by the percentage of cocoa and then flavoring of course. Legacy has even been Nationally proclaimed through various magazines. It's awesome chocolate and it was great for them to bring me (us ~ yeah I'll HAVE to share). It was a nice visit anyway.
Nothing special is happening this weekend. Blogland is really quiet with camps and convention. But next week I get to go see our precious SISTER TAMMI ADAMS! Yes. I'm so looking forward to just being with her. I actually approached my bosses boss and asked if I could work the 4th of July and have Friday off so I could leave out early to go see her. He wanted to know what I'd do on the 4th with everything be closed. I assured him, I had plenty of work to keep me busy. He said he didn't know but he'd check with HR to see if it was even possible. I was basically figuring it wasn't going to happen. But this past week my co-worker has had some strange health problems and I've had to deal with some heavy stress with helping her (our immediate boss was on vacation). He called me into his office to ask me questions about that whole situation. We then talked about some other things and then he said, oh by the way, you can work Wednesday and have Friday off. AWESOME. My flight will leave out about 3 am in the morning on Friday and I will get in to Bellingham about noon. It'll only be two days but it'll be great to visit with her and Brother Ray.
I am so needing to get away. ~laugh ~ So many others are wishing just to be able to stay home (including Sister Tammi probably) and I'm wanting to go. You need to remember when we were in Wisconsin we were going somewhere at least once a month. Kenosha, Des Moines, Minnesota, and even Canada. Here you have to fly pretty much everywhere so we haven't left Anchorage but once to go to Bethel and that was in March. Anyway, most importantly, I'll have Sister Tammi to fellowship with and I'm looking forward to that the most.
When I get back from WA my mother-in-law (and her friend whom we've never met) we'll be coming up that Tuesday, 7/10 and staying through the 17th. They'll stay busy doing a lot of sightseeing, some with us and some on their own. I'd like to say I'm looking forward to her coming; we use to be really close but when we left, she said some real hurtful things to me and I'm praying to find that place of healing and forgiveness but I haven't yet. Also, I don't know her ~sigh ~ I don't know what to expect.
After that I'll head to Sutton's for the weekend revival with Jeremy Adams, he'll then be coming to our place and hold revival for us here in Anchorage. Pray that the Lord will really use him. I'm looking forward to having him in our home and I've already told Sister Tammi we may just adopt him as our son ~ grin.
So anyway ~ life will be picking up speed a little after this weekend. AND I'M LOOKING FORWARD TO THAT! Remind me I said that if I start to complain.
Well, I suppose I should go get dress. Yup, I'm still in my pj's. I got up at 9 am (really woke up at 7:15 am when Jody got home, but dozed off and on), cleaned house, planted some houseplants, did laundry and blogged. Now, I'll get dressed and go grocery shopping. Yeah! Fun. The sun has come out, so thats good.
I'll be looking forward to hearing about camps and conventions soon.
Saturday, June 30, 2007
A Visitor From My Past
Posted by J Nowling at 2:27 PM 2 comments
Thursday, June 28, 2007
The Ends of The Earth is In Alaska and it's Beautiful!
Jody, Joleesa and I went about 40 miles away past Palmer to the Sitsna River and I think mountains to Hatcher's Pass. It is AWESOME. We went until the world, I mean the roads in the mountain literally ended. There was an old mining town at the end. We'll go again and get out and walk around. Though it was still lots of light, it was getting late and we needed to get home. SO we'll go again. Let's see if my pictures tell it...
This is where it ENDED!
Here's Hatcher's Pass Lodge, the only thing up there other then the dead miners town. Pretty cool.
Joleesa took this standing up through the sunroof...she all but froze but got a great picture. Can you see the glacier?
This one is specifically for Brother Smith!
Posted by J Nowling at 12:54 AM 2 comments
Sunday, June 24, 2007
A Good Weekend
UGH I really don't like blogger, I lost my post even though it said auto saved.
So here I go again.
This weekend was good, but different but probably is going to become the norm. I know that doesn't make sense but let me explain. Joleesa works on Saturday, Jody sleeps as he works nights, Jessa works Saturday, and Jenna stayed at her apartment until Joleesa got off work. So I basically was here by myself. That's ok, I'm getting use to and I'm starting a routine. As I made my morning trip to the bathroom I decided to not leave it until I cleaned t (yup while still in my pjs). I then went from room to room cleaning (while laundry was going). As I was mopping the kitchen floor I was wishing I had at least one "Gracie" amongst my girls, seeing as I wasn't privileged to have her "drive" (and the drive of many others in blogland) to stay on top of the dust bunnies, etc. Then I got to wondering "how come". Literally, thinking well for one I'm #6 of 7 kids and the youngest of the girls, they did more of the housework and cooking (sounds reasonable to me ~ grin). Secondly, I was in out of Shriner's Hospital throughout my childhood, up through 9th grade because of a broken elbow at the age of 2 1/2 that the doctor had set wrong. So I didn't have a "normal" childhood (in other words, I was babied) ~ smile good second excuse. Thirdly, now in my old age, my arm makes it difficult for me to do some of the household chores such as really scrubbing anything. And yes, fourthly (is that a word) I've worked outside the home since I was 17 years old. When the kids were little, I had sitters come into my home, and believe or not some of them did my cooking a cleaning for me. These sound like excuses, BUT I'm saying this to say I wish things would have been different in this area of my life. I hating having to MAKE myself do something and that's the way housework is for me. AND I'm afraid I wasn't a very good example to my daughters. They all know HOW to clean properly, but it's not a priority for them just as it hasn't been for me. Hopefully thing will be different for them when they get their own families.
My day did get better though, although once I started the cleaning (which is always the case) I really don't mind doing it. Faith was coming over between 11 am and noon for us to go the Saturday Market so I challenged myself to have it ALL done by the time she got there (as well as have Sister Texter's birthday gift wrapped and ready to drop off ~ that's another area I'm not good at and that's remembering birthdays). Her and I and her son Isaiah was going to the market and then was going to come back and wait for Jessa to get off work and then my whole family was going to join her in a picnic at a surprise place. We went to he market and had a great time. We even took he trolley (we didn't know it was free and when we found out it's like why bother walking the hill). Both of us were frustrated that we didn't bring our cameras. Oh well. We ate the market and looked around a little. I've really fallen in love with both Faith and Isaiah, they're very precious. (By the way, I had just finished and sat down and was going to look at blogs when Faith came ~ perfect!)
We came back to our place and I started a puzzle while waiting for Jessa while they went to the library. We decided a picnic would be for another day as it sprinkled off and on and she said it wasn't a good place to go when it's wet (so I still don't know her secret place, but she'll show us some day). She suggested we to "Sleeping Lady Park" or "Earthquake Park" as we know it ~ grin. I realized I hadn't been there since we moved here. We went to the area where you could walk along the beach of the ocean. We all helped Jessa collect "pretty, unique and special" rocks for a candle she's going to make. The best thing was the planes flying overhead. As you looked up they seemed so close to us as we waved and Jody even stuck his thumb up like he was hitch hiking, and then as it went over the cliff it would like it was going to crash into the trees on top. Jenna will probably post some pictures. Best of all was the sound after the planes passed over us. It was like an echo of the planes roar, or the jet stream making itself known, or as a young man that was there said "time being split". It actually reminded me of sounds from a Star Trek movie or something. It was really cool. Jody was so entranced by the planes, you would think the man didn't work at an airport and see and hear that every day as he watched it all. He's always loved the planes. Any way it was a good day.
Today we had a good SS class and all. Then we did lunch. Did you ever wish that you hadn't said something but you did and you couldn't take it back. Well that's what happened today at lunch. It was an innocent comment that someone took offense at and I even understood why, but the more I tried to explain myself the worst I seemed to make it. I sincerely apologized but I'm afraid the damage was done. I felt so bad was so mad at myself and just cried literally. I hope and pray, no permenant damage was done because I really care about this person. All I can do now is pray that God will undo my damage.
Anyway, that's my weekend. I think I'll take a power nap before church and see if it'll help my headache although I think it's allergies aggravated by the much needed rain that's been coming down since last night.
Then again maybe I'll post pictures. Here's at Earthquake Park:
Baluga Point pictures from Tuesday. We watched the tide come in.
The group of young people from MN and IA that were here doing mission work and staying at the Covenant church here in town talking with Jody and the girls.
Posted by J Nowling at 7:20 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Where There is No Night!
That's here (and Heaven). So is this a taste of heaven? Sometimes I think so with all it's beauty but then I'm reminded by "life" that "nope, not made it yet". But tomorrow is summer solstice and there's celebrations everywhere around here. Officially tomorrow the sun will not set at all. Although it really doesn't now. It has been gorgeous weather and Brother Nowling have even been trying to enjoy it in the evenings. Last night just our family (wow, yeah just our family) went to Buluga Point. Now the girls have been there several times but Brother Nowling and I have just driven by. We climbed the point and watched the tide come in. Pretty awesome. We met a group of young people here from Minnesota and Iowa that are on a mission team for five weeks, staying at the covenant church, helping to evangelize Anchorage. Some day The Church of God will have a mission team up here. I know Sister Sharon has spoke of it in the past. It was great sharing with them.
One last comment...little by little I'm learning to GO BED even if it LOOKS like it's noon outside and it seems like it's the warmest part of the day.
For those of you who don't know, a young man named Damon Boyles of TN, passed away from an asthmus attack. This is the second young person we know who has died this way. It is so hard on family and friends. He leaves behind a young life. I didn't know this young man personally, just know who he is but as you go about your day, remember them all in prayer. He, himself is in a place "Where there is no night" as he knew our Lord as His personal saviour, but the family will be feeling a great loss as he should have had so many more years to share with them. But the Comforter is able to be there for them all.
Posted by J Nowling at 10:09 AM 3 comments
Monday, June 18, 2007
The Weekend is Past and the Week Lies Ahead
Well, after cleaning house. I went grocery shopping and then came back to the house and Joleesa, Jenna and I were going to go play mini golf and then Matthew came so he joined us. It was fun. Then we came back and the girls and I watched THR3E. Wierd movie.
Then Sunday we had the smallest crowd ever, just the Textures and us (and then Faith came for service). Most everyone was out of town. It was also Sunday morning that I blew not just once but twice as a pastor's wife. Sister Texter had talked to me seveal weeks ago about her having a garage sale and needing help. She didn't say when it was going to be and I offered to help her for her just to let me know when. I overheard her talking Wednesday night about having it this weekend but my offer didn't register with me that I had offered to help. Jessa told me she stopped in on Friday and still didn't click with me. Some how in the back of my head I was thinking she had her family to help her. Then on Sunday morning she mentions how her and Brother Texter were exhausted as they were up until 11:30 pm Saturday night cleaning everything up and getting ready for church Sunday morning and that they almost didn't come to church as they were so tired. Oh my, what a rotten pastor's wife I am...and here I had nothing going on.
Then for the second goof. I had emailed Faith about doing something on Saturday together and because I didn't know what to go do, I didn't call her until about 11 am on Saturday and she was already gone. I did leave a message but somehow she didn't get the first message. By the time she got my second message she made other plans. She had a good time but seemed disappointed, frustrated or something with me. What an idiot. I blew it twice.
Now I have trainng at work and still have to get my work done. Monster headache is what I have. I long to sleep one solid night. Between going to bed too late becasue of the long daylight hours, and my own personal summers at night, sleep has not entertained me.
Sorry about seeming all negative. I don't mean to. I do need to say we have had BEAUTIFUL weather. Brother Nowling and I have gone down to Ship Creek to watch the fishing and though last night was chilling it is relaxing to be outsidein God's beauty.
Posted by J Nowling at 9:45 PM 2 comments
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Lonely, I'm So Lonely
Yeah. Lonely in city of thousands. I always look forward to the weekend but other than house cleaning (which I hate~I know some pastor's wife I am), I don't know what to do. My best friend, my love, my husband is sleeping. With his shift now we are like ships passing (but not in the night). I love doing things with him, even though some times we have a hard time coming to an agreement on what to do. I don't like driving places on my own. Jessa and Joleesa both works so that leaves Jenna which I do enjoy being with, but I want my husband. I wouldn't mind if I even had a girlfriend to hang out with once in awhile, but I don't remember the last time I had one of them. I think I have a protective shield around me that doesn't allow me to get to close to people because I've been hurt too many times, or I have had to move. So I guess it's my own fault to certain extent. Oh well. I do thank God for my daughters, and I do enjoy the youth but they don't always want me taking along.
Anyway, I need to finish laundry, house work and then go get Jenna so we can get the Father's day gifts for church. Faith said she might go do something with me too, but I can't figure out what to do. Go figure...
Hope everyone is enjoying their Saturday.
Posted by J Nowling at 12:37 PM 7 comments
Thursday, June 14, 2007
I'm here. It's just not a whole lot been happening. One of the downfalls to having convention and camp, so early on is now what do we look forward to in the summer. Brother Nowling is on a new shift at the airlines. He works 9 pm to 7 am Wednesday - Friday. Yeah every weekend, all summer he has to work nights and sleep days. He took this shift so he could be at camp. Which was great to have him there. But Beautiful days and beautiful scenery and we won't be able to share it together. I haven't figured out what I'm goin to do and pray he finds someone to go fishing with him during the week.
Other than that maybe a little reflection on camp. Youth camp versus family camp. Quite a difference. Family camp is much more relaxed to say the least. The real work was done in the planning and then everyone just does everything together. It was different but good. No matter how you sum it up, God was there and that's what counts.
Now some of MY pictures taken by Joleesa mostly and then what ever young person was around that I could hand the camera too:
One of our stops on the way. It was a "benefit" to a 3 hour drive.
A bear rug behind the preacher seems strange, even though it is Brother Smith.
Everyone shared in kitchenduties; Brother Nowling the responsible co-director did even when he wasn't scheduled as did many. Joleesa uses her expertise from McDonald's as to help our kitchen supervisor, Sister Connie clean the grill.
Joleesa doing story time..."Little Red Riding Hood". Quite the version, as the wolf's stomach was cut open and grandma and red riding hood came out, they replaced them with rocks and eventually the wolf died because the rocks were so heavy, huh!
Sister Connie Peter leading us in "Peter and John went Fishing" at story time. I think that was the name. I love the way the everyone gets involved.y
The two Isaiah's ringing our bell. Isaiah was chosen as one of our IYC reps. His mom, Sister Connie one of the alternates.
Two out of the three Bishops present (or were there four, does Sister Bishop count - tee hee) present with pigs for the dirtiest room. Brother Grant was actually only guilty by association. His side was actually clean. Niether one took care of their pigs very well as they were abandoned most of the time. Although Brother Smith was more faithful then our Alaska Overseer. And they were such cute pigs too.
Sister Smith and the little kids singing the "Bumble Bee" song. I had never heard it before. I loved it when Sister Smith led them to wipe the dead bumble on their pants and little Isaiah says "yuck, no wash your hands".
Sister Smith and Sister Bishop both putting their hot air to use as they compete at blowing their homemade boats.
Bonfire at 9 pm and the sun shining bright...something's wrong with this picture.
The 2007 Camp Smore's couple; Rusy and Jaclyn Cabales. Jaclyn was so excited about having smores. It was great having them and their precious kids at camp. No one really understands the expense of camp until you have had to pay for airline tickets and a whole families tuition. PTL the Lord help us to come out in the black in such a way we will be discounting familie next year. Brother Rusty and Sister Jaclyn thank you for the great sacrifice you made to be there. Rusty was chosen as one of our IYC reps and Jaclyn an alternate.
Little Isaiah and his mommy Faith. These are two of my favorite people and two of the sweetest people in Alaska.
We presented Brother and Sister Smith a clock shaped like the state of Alaska with "Alaska" burned into it; made by man from Soldotna. According to Brothr Smith you'll find it in his office at HQ. We got Sister Bishop an ULU and Alaska salad forks (Sister Smith already had them).
a href="">
Can you figure out who's hiding in this picture...ugh! This is an awesome group if I do say so myself...if it wasn' for someone hiding.
There are some pictures of Sister Smith and Sister Bishop doing the sack race, or the dizzy bat, or the cardboard race. I wonder where they went too. Uh, I know, there weren't any because they DIDN'T do it ~ giggle.
But there you have memories of camp. Good camp, good memories.
One last thing. There's a new Alaska Driver on the road. JOLEESA GOT HER DRIVER'S LICENSE YESTERDAY. She's out getting me a hot fudge sundae now as she wanted to drive somewhere by herself. Lord help she's really a good driver over all. But Lord protect her.
Posted by J Nowling at 10:38 PM 5 comments
Friday, June 08, 2007
Convention, Camp, Smiths, Bishop and Exhaustion
That about sums it up. We had a great convention. Full of worship and meat. I was able to sneek some time away as we took our guests to see some of the beautiful sights along the valley area of Anchorage. Then it was off to camp. From the time we left for camp Brother Smith was put to work as he drove our truck with us three ladies and Brother Nowling as Brother Nowling had to work a 10 hour shift Saturday night. Came to church and then we left for camp. He told me he was just too exhausted to drive (when he gives over the wheel, you know he's done in). I didn't feel comfortable driving the truck period, let alone with it loaded as it was. So I asked if Brother Smith would mind and he stepped in without hesitation. It was actually a beautiful, relaxing drive. We arrived at camp about 30 minutes later then planned but my how quickly everything was unloaded and everyone was sitting down to eat. That's the way everything went at camp. Everyone pitched in and the work was quickly finished. The classes were great as Sister Bishop taught "On Eagles Wings" and Brother Smith on "Judgement". God's presence was a gift to us throughout the whole time.
Sister Connie Peter did a great job supervising in the kitchen. Isaiah Peter and Rusty Cabales receives applause for their great variety of activities they came up with. I do think next year this old body may have to skip such activities as sack races and dizzy bats. But you know, Alaska has some the sweetest young people that encouraged me and helped me up when I fell down, didn't make fun of me but laughed and applauded at my "try to" ~ smile.
Though I am totally exhausted as I got home from camp at 12:30 pm Wednesday, changed my clothes and was at work by 1 pm then was in church at 7 pm and then Megan and Codi spent the night so some of the young people hung out for a little bit. They are so good about going when I say it's time to go. Today was another hectic day as my co-workers been out and from the moment I walked in yesterday I've been doing two people's jobs.
What I like most of all was the laughter I experienced with the kindred spirits of Smith and Bishop. They are two of the most precious women (along with Sister Wilson) that one would ever know. We laughed so hard together. We laughed AT each other and WITH each other. I'll never forget all the "forgetting" that went on. But best of all, I made history. Not too many people (if any) can say they had the General Overseer's wife short sheet their bed ~ smile. But the best thing is I thwarted the short sheeting ~ oh how we laughed. Shorting sheeting a short person's better didn't work too well. I hope Sister Smith will find the time to share the details as she'll do it more justice than I ever would. (BUT NO PICTURES OF IT!) Best of all the timing was perfect. I had just been downstairs crying about something, and I went upstairs and within a few minutes I was laughing so hard I was shedding a different kind of tear and the very gal I had been crying with came in to see what was so funny.
I am sooooo greatful to our God for making a way for these three to come our way. I am more exhausted then I have been in a very long time, but when they say laughter is good for the is so true. I do have a few regrets but one in particular and that's having to work our guests so hard. They all worked in the kitchen. Yes, even Brother Smith, he helped with Monday's breakfast. Then they served for our banquet. Then we put our Bishop in the coldest water ever for our baptismal service. Him and Brother Nowling baptized 6 people at 9 pm in the coldest and quickest baptism I've ever been too. Then the poor man only got to actually fish for a couple of hours. He also participated in activity time doing the sack race, and dizzy bat, as well as many other activities. Our General Overseer is a servant that will do whatever is needed and has fun doing it. I know shortly after they get back they will be going right into Heritage Day celebrations. I pray God will strengthen them beyond measure.
Sister Bishop shared our home and was a sweet blessing in every way. I pray the Lord will be everything she needs Him to be for her as she does His work.
We had 1 saved, 1 sanctified and 6 baptized in water. We've still got a lot of work to do for Alaska to get to the place God would have us to be. But I feel like some small steps have been taken.
I'm going to bed now but I'll try to get some pictures posted this weekend.
Posted by J Nowling at 1:01 AM 3 comments
Sunday, June 03, 2007
Convention soon A thing of the past AND off to camp we go!
Just a quick block. It's been a great convention. Brother Smith has preached two awesome messages Sister Bishop and Sister Smith are great fun (Brother Nowling, Jenna and I squeezed into our truck yesterday afternoon and found some time to go show them the mountains, etc),
We'll be leaving right from convention for camp. Ther will be a caravan of about 5 cars. Brother Nowling worked all night so he could really use the prayers. Pray for Jessa and Jenna as they won't be going and are feeling the disappointment.
Gotta go. I'll give more details later.
Posted by J Nowling at 10:50 AM 0 comments