Sunday, June 24, 2007

A Good Weekend

UGH I really don't like blogger, I lost my post even though it said auto saved.

So here I go again.

This weekend was good, but different but probably is going to become the norm. I know that doesn't make sense but let me explain. Joleesa works on Saturday, Jody sleeps as he works nights, Jessa works Saturday, and Jenna stayed at her apartment until Joleesa got off work. So I basically was here by myself. That's ok, I'm getting use to and I'm starting a routine. As I made my morning trip to the bathroom I decided to not leave it until I cleaned t (yup while still in my pjs). I then went from room to room cleaning (while laundry was going). As I was mopping the kitchen floor I was wishing I had at least one "Gracie" amongst my girls, seeing as I wasn't privileged to have her "drive" (and the drive of many others in blogland) to stay on top of the dust bunnies, etc. Then I got to wondering "how come". Literally, thinking well for one I'm #6 of 7 kids and the youngest of the girls, they did more of the housework and cooking (sounds reasonable to me ~ grin). Secondly, I was in out of Shriner's Hospital throughout my childhood, up through 9th grade because of a broken elbow at the age of 2 1/2 that the doctor had set wrong. So I didn't have a "normal" childhood (in other words, I was babied) ~ smile good second excuse. Thirdly, now in my old age, my arm makes it difficult for me to do some of the household chores such as really scrubbing anything. And yes, fourthly (is that a word) I've worked outside the home since I was 17 years old. When the kids were little, I had sitters come into my home, and believe or not some of them did my cooking a cleaning for me. These sound like excuses, BUT I'm saying this to say I wish things would have been different in this area of my life. I hating having to MAKE myself do something and that's the way housework is for me. AND I'm afraid I wasn't a very good example to my daughters. They all know HOW to clean properly, but it's not a priority for them just as it hasn't been for me. Hopefully thing will be different for them when they get their own families.

My day did get better though, although once I started the cleaning (which is always the case) I really don't mind doing it. Faith was coming over between 11 am and noon for us to go the Saturday Market so I challenged myself to have it ALL done by the time she got there (as well as have Sister Texter's birthday gift wrapped and ready to drop off ~ that's another area I'm not good at and that's remembering birthdays). Her and I and her son Isaiah was going to the market and then was going to come back and wait for Jessa to get off work and then my whole family was going to join her in a picnic at a surprise place. We went to he market and had a great time. We even took he trolley (we didn't know it was free and when we found out it's like why bother walking the hill). Both of us were frustrated that we didn't bring our cameras. Oh well. We ate the market and looked around a little. I've really fallen in love with both Faith and Isaiah, they're very precious. (By the way, I had just finished and sat down and was going to look at blogs when Faith came ~ perfect!)

We came back to our place and I started a puzzle while waiting for Jessa while they went to the library. We decided a picnic would be for another day as it sprinkled off and on and she said it wasn't a good place to go when it's wet (so I still don't know her secret place, but she'll show us some day). She suggested we to "Sleeping Lady Park" or "Earthquake Park" as we know it ~ grin. I realized I hadn't been there since we moved here. We went to the area where you could walk along the beach of the ocean. We all helped Jessa collect "pretty, unique and special" rocks for a candle she's going to make. The best thing was the planes flying overhead. As you looked up they seemed so close to us as we waved and Jody even stuck his thumb up like he was hitch hiking, and then as it went over the cliff it would like it was going to crash into the trees on top. Jenna will probably post some pictures. Best of all was the sound after the planes passed over us. It was like an echo of the planes roar, or the jet stream making itself known, or as a young man that was there said "time being split". It actually reminded me of sounds from a Star Trek movie or something. It was really cool. Jody was so entranced by the planes, you would think the man didn't work at an airport and see and hear that every day as he watched it all. He's always loved the planes. Any way it was a good day.

Today we had a good SS class and all. Then we did lunch. Did you ever wish that you hadn't said something but you did and you couldn't take it back. Well that's what happened today at lunch. It was an innocent comment that someone took offense at and I even understood why, but the more I tried to explain myself the worst I seemed to make it. I sincerely apologized but I'm afraid the damage was done. I felt so bad was so mad at myself and just cried literally. I hope and pray, no permenant damage was done because I really care about this person. All I can do now is pray that God will undo my damage.

Anyway, that's my weekend. I think I'll take a power nap before church and see if it'll help my headache although I think it's allergies aggravated by the much needed rain that's been coming down since last night.

Then again maybe I'll post pictures. Here's at Earthquake Park:

Baluga Point pictures from Tuesday. We watched the tide come in.

The group of young people from MN and IA that were here doing mission work and staying at the Covenant church here in town talking with Jody and the girls.


Netty said...

Hey we've been to earthquake park. Well kind of. Bro. Sutton and I ended up there by accident trying to find Walmart. LOL!
Glad you had a good weekend.

Vicki Smith said...

Really good post and FANTASTIC pictures!

YES, I know what it's like to say something I immediately regretted! ARRRRGHHHH! For a few years I've tried to daily pray Psa. 141:3: "Set a watch, O LORD, before my mouth; keep the door of my lips." My mouth doesn't get me in NEAR as much trouble as it used to, but I'm still in need of much improvement. Just last night and this morning I was praying that the Lord would see to it that my HEART was right and there was nothing hiding in there that was not pleasing to Him, for "...out
of the abundance of the heart the
mouth speaketh" (Matt. 12:34).

As for the housecleaning stuff, try to focus on that great feeling you get when you've cleaned something really well and it looks and fees so good! That helps motivate you to do the dirty work. Also, it's not a bad idea to ask the Lord to give you a heart to be a "keeper at home" (Titus 2:3-5). It's not crazy to pray about things we consider not "spiritual" such as house cleaning. For a wife and mother, keeping house is a ministry and we can find fulfillment in accomplishing this task for the glory of the Lord! AMEN! =)

J Nowling said...

I can only take credit for the Baluga Point pictures, Jenna used my camera, cuz her batteries were dead, for Earthquake park.

Annette, I could see how you could've accidently come upon this park as it's a straight shot on Northern Lights. It's one I can even find again. Grants took us here when we visited state convention in'06 but I hadn't been here since moving. Seeing how easy it is to get there I'll be going again, maybe even by myself.

Yeah, our mouths...the sad thing is some time you know immediately you said something wrong, but that wasn't the case here.

I've always felt good about having cleaned AFTER it was done. And you're right keep that thought in the forefront of my mind and it'll motivate me.