Friday, June 08, 2007

Convention, Camp, Smiths, Bishop and Exhaustion

That about sums it up. We had a great convention. Full of worship and meat. I was able to sneek some time away as we took our guests to see some of the beautiful sights along the valley area of Anchorage. Then it was off to camp. From the time we left for camp Brother Smith was put to work as he drove our truck with us three ladies and Brother Nowling as Brother Nowling had to work a 10 hour shift Saturday night. Came to church and then we left for camp. He told me he was just too exhausted to drive (when he gives over the wheel, you know he's done in). I didn't feel comfortable driving the truck period, let alone with it loaded as it was. So I asked if Brother Smith would mind and he stepped in without hesitation. It was actually a beautiful, relaxing drive. We arrived at camp about 30 minutes later then planned but my how quickly everything was unloaded and everyone was sitting down to eat. That's the way everything went at camp. Everyone pitched in and the work was quickly finished. The classes were great as Sister Bishop taught "On Eagles Wings" and Brother Smith on "Judgement". God's presence was a gift to us throughout the whole time.

Sister Connie Peter did a great job supervising in the kitchen. Isaiah Peter and Rusty Cabales receives applause for their great variety of activities they came up with. I do think next year this old body may have to skip such activities as sack races and dizzy bats. But you know, Alaska has some the sweetest young people that encouraged me and helped me up when I fell down, didn't make fun of me but laughed and applauded at my "try to" ~ smile.

Though I am totally exhausted as I got home from camp at 12:30 pm Wednesday, changed my clothes and was at work by 1 pm then was in church at 7 pm and then Megan and Codi spent the night so some of the young people hung out for a little bit. They are so good about going when I say it's time to go. Today was another hectic day as my co-workers been out and from the moment I walked in yesterday I've been doing two people's jobs.

What I like most of all was the laughter I experienced with the kindred spirits of Smith and Bishop. They are two of the most precious women (along with Sister Wilson) that one would ever know. We laughed so hard together. We laughed AT each other and WITH each other. I'll never forget all the "forgetting" that went on. But best of all, I made history. Not too many people (if any) can say they had the General Overseer's wife short sheet their bed ~ smile. But the best thing is I thwarted the short sheeting ~ oh how we laughed. Shorting sheeting a short person's better didn't work too well. I hope Sister Smith will find the time to share the details as she'll do it more justice than I ever would. (BUT NO PICTURES OF IT!) Best of all the timing was perfect. I had just been downstairs crying about something, and I went upstairs and within a few minutes I was laughing so hard I was shedding a different kind of tear and the very gal I had been crying with came in to see what was so funny.

I am sooooo greatful to our God for making a way for these three to come our way. I am more exhausted then I have been in a very long time, but when they say laughter is good for the is so true. I do have a few regrets but one in particular and that's having to work our guests so hard. They all worked in the kitchen. Yes, even Brother Smith, he helped with Monday's breakfast. Then they served for our banquet. Then we put our Bishop in the coldest water ever for our baptismal service. Him and Brother Nowling baptized 6 people at 9 pm in the coldest and quickest baptism I've ever been too. Then the poor man only got to actually fish for a couple of hours. He also participated in activity time doing the sack race, and dizzy bat, as well as many other activities. Our General Overseer is a servant that will do whatever is needed and has fun doing it. I know shortly after they get back they will be going right into Heritage Day celebrations. I pray God will strengthen them beyond measure.

Sister Bishop shared our home and was a sweet blessing in every way. I pray the Lord will be everything she needs Him to be for her as she does His work.

We had 1 saved, 1 sanctified and 6 baptized in water. We've still got a lot of work to do for Alaska to get to the place God would have us to be. But I feel like some small steps have been taken.

I'm going to bed now but I'll try to get some pictures posted this weekend.


Momma Tammi said...

What a wonderful report of convention and camp. Praise the Lord!

Dizzy bat! UGH! I'm dizzy just thinking about it. Oh my! What a blast you guys must have had. Too funny about the short-sheeting!

I'll be praying for that much needed rest.

Vicki Smith said...

We had a GREAT time! Now we're needing some great REST! HA! Hope you're getting rest up north.

Vicki Smith said...

Yooooo hoooooooooooooo!!! WHERE ARE YOU? Come on, girl! Post!