Saturday, June 30, 2007

A Visitor From My Past

Yesterday, Joel Becker (and his wife, Joy and his son Isaac) from The Dunn County News, where I worked for 9 years in Menomonie, WI met me at the Daily News and I gave them a quick tour and then Jody, Joleesa, and Jenna met us and we went to the Artic Roadrunner for dinner. It was so good seeing someone from Menomonie. He was the editor and then assistant editor while I was there. He's now working part-time at the paper as working in youth ministry for one of the Lutheran church's in Menomonie. Him and his wife are very talented musically and in many ways. They're great people and their son is so cute. At 2 years old the little guy talks up a storm. Joel's sister live in Palmer (just outside of Anchorage) so this is actually his third visit to Alaska. He even brought me Legacy Chocolate. It's chocolate truffles made in Menomonie that is the best chocolate. You buy it by the piece. And by the percentage of cocoa and then flavoring of course. Legacy has even been Nationally proclaimed through various magazines. It's awesome chocolate and it was great for them to bring me (us ~ yeah I'll HAVE to share). It was a nice visit anyway.

Nothing special is happening this weekend. Blogland is really quiet with camps and convention. But next week I get to go see our precious SISTER TAMMI ADAMS! Yes. I'm so looking forward to just being with her. I actually approached my bosses boss and asked if I could work the 4th of July and have Friday off so I could leave out early to go see her. He wanted to know what I'd do on the 4th with everything be closed. I assured him, I had plenty of work to keep me busy. He said he didn't know but he'd check with HR to see if it was even possible. I was basically figuring it wasn't going to happen. But this past week my co-worker has had some strange health problems and I've had to deal with some heavy stress with helping her (our immediate boss was on vacation). He called me into his office to ask me questions about that whole situation. We then talked about some other things and then he said, oh by the way, you can work Wednesday and have Friday off. AWESOME. My flight will leave out about 3 am in the morning on Friday and I will get in to Bellingham about noon. It'll only be two days but it'll be great to visit with her and Brother Ray.

I am so needing to get away. ~laugh ~ So many others are wishing just to be able to stay home (including Sister Tammi probably) and I'm wanting to go. You need to remember when we were in Wisconsin we were going somewhere at least once a month. Kenosha, Des Moines, Minnesota, and even Canada. Here you have to fly pretty much everywhere so we haven't left Anchorage but once to go to Bethel and that was in March. Anyway, most importantly, I'll have Sister Tammi to fellowship with and I'm looking forward to that the most.

When I get back from WA my mother-in-law (and her friend whom we've never met) we'll be coming up that Tuesday, 7/10 and staying through the 17th. They'll stay busy doing a lot of sightseeing, some with us and some on their own. I'd like to say I'm looking forward to her coming; we use to be really close but when we left, she said some real hurtful things to me and I'm praying to find that place of healing and forgiveness but I haven't yet. Also, I don't know her ~sigh ~ I don't know what to expect.

After that I'll head to Sutton's for the weekend revival with Jeremy Adams, he'll then be coming to our place and hold revival for us here in Anchorage. Pray that the Lord will really use him. I'm looking forward to having him in our home and I've already told Sister Tammi we may just adopt him as our son ~ grin.

So anyway ~ life will be picking up speed a little after this weekend. AND I'M LOOKING FORWARD TO THAT! Remind me I said that if I start to complain.

Well, I suppose I should go get dress. Yup, I'm still in my pj's. I got up at 9 am (really woke up at 7:15 am when Jody got home, but dozed off and on), cleaned house, planted some houseplants, did laundry and blogged. Now, I'll get dressed and go grocery shopping. Yeah! Fun. The sun has come out, so thats good.

I'll be looking forward to hearing about camps and conventions soon.


Momma Tammi said...

Please pray that I get my voice back. I did the regional paper boost last night and my voice completely disappeared at the end. I have the SS boost to do this morning and although I have a little voice, it isn't enough to last through the entire boost.

Vicki Smith said...

Happy for you that you get to go visit Sister Tammi. Have a great "Girl's Weekend"! And it sounds like the rest of your summer will be full enough to chase away any blues.