Monday, September 01, 2008

A Great Sunday!

Yesterday was a great Sunday. Our building is really beginning to look like a church. Jenna bought all the stuff to make auxiliary banners and her and Megan worked Saturday and Sunday to get them done. They look great. The two of them (Jenna especially) kept picking them a part finding their errors, though they're not "perfect", they're awesome and they look great on the wall. Brother Nowling asked the church about purchasing an attendance board when the Grants said we already have. Cool!

Oh, I need to back up to my shopping trip on Saturday. I need to get material to cover the back of the piano. I was going to get felt. The first felt we found was $17.99/yard, don't think so. Then down a little further we found some for $4.99 (and it didn't look any different then the $17.99). I was going to get shades of brown. When I went to get it cut, I saw on their cutting table some classy brown with embroidered flowers of shades of brown. It was heavier and gorgeous. It would be perfect. So I asked how much it was, $20.99. Ouch, I want it. She proceeded to say its now remnant because it was the end of the bolt, so I could get it for 50% off. I needed about 1 1/2 yards, so I thought I'd do it. Then as we're talking about needing to cover the piano bench as well, she said if I bought the WHOLE remnant, I could get 70% off. YES! So I got it for $17.99 and I have enough to cover the piano, it's bench and cover a small table. I was so thankful, God knew how much I wanted this. The thing is, sewing is NOT my forte. I'm not set with the tools for it. Jenna bought a sewing machine a couple months back, but just trying to cut it correctly had me petrified. Why didn't I just have JoAnne Fabrics cut for me right there. So, instead of taking a chance of not cutting this costly material right, I'm taking it back to JoAnne's today and have them cut. I can press, pin and hem it no problem. Cutting it was what I was freaking out about. I didn't want to mess it up. So as soon as I'm done blogging. I'm going to shower, head to Value Village, Joanne's and hopefully seeing as Brother Nowling will be with me, head to Home Depot. We're going to try to make an altar by buying a plank and table legs. Jenna was searching Craigs list for picnic tables and she saw someone made something like that, so we're going to try it.

We so need an altar. Last night I had my first youth service in the building and it was great to have space to work with. I had everyone bring a pair of their shoes. This program started out one way, then changed several times over, with even a different end to it, but that's all right, I felt God in it. I had footprints laid out on a street, ending at the cross. I had the shoes lined up across the front. I spoke about those shoes represented lives. Where did those shoes carry their owners? Sometime we look at others and make judgement on them, and then shared a poem and then an Elvis Presley song about Walking A Mile in My Shoes. Then I turned everyone to the shoes out there of the lost...the footsteps leading up to the cross had the scriptures on it for the Roman Road to Salvation which is the goal of Sister Griffen for the youth in winning souls. I was going to turn it into a basic witness training...I had found journals for all the youth at Michaels for .50 each with their initial on it. I want them to use these as their witness journal. I had them take that first page of their witness journal, and write their testimony on it. This was really difficult for some, and some just had fun being difficult, but all and all as they shared them one by one, a message came forth. I forgot to say we had 3 visitors, all youth. One is a faithful Baptist, the other two I have no idea of their background. The young Baptist girl shared her testimony too. My idea is for them to work on these testimonies to the place that is clear, direct, and inviting. That will be in the future. Anyway from there I went into sharing the salvation scriptures. This is where everything began to change, and I put the witness plan into practice kind of in a message. I then so wanted an altar, but because we still didn't have one, I invited everyone to the foot of the cross that I had the footprints leading to. All and all, it turned out very different then what I had planned but I felt the Lord's leading.

Afterwards, Brother Nowling made appointments. Due to the visitors, he used the banners to explain the auxiliaries. There were some changes that may have been surprising but I know he really prayed over them. ABM will be Tim Osborne and Jeremy Adams (he still needs to set up the bands), CPMA - Jenna, Sunday School Supt - Megan Peter, VLB-me (some days I think I'm just too old for this but God won't take the burden in my heart away), WMB-Jessa, Free Literature-Micah Peter, Evangelism-Tim Osborne, Local Website -Jackie Grant. He still has to appoint BTI and clerk/treasurer.

Oh and backing up, Brother Mack preached Sunday morning. Sister Mack sang beautifully too.

All and all it was a great day with the Lord. Watch Jenna's blog for pictures of the banner AND when I get the piano done, I'll post them as I'm really excited to that beautiful material on the piano. The next thing we're anxiously waiting for is the Church flag.

Well off to get this day rolling.


Vicki Smith said...

You're the GOOD one for blogging so promptly! Thanks for sharing all the good news. I wish you well on your piano and bench covers. You can do it! --I'm looking forward to pictures.