Saturday, April 18, 2009

A Life Time A Go

It seems like a life time ago since I left for England. All the travelling was done without any situation. PTL. Youth Convention was awesome. Our English church know how to worship. It was glorious freedom in the Spirit. There were great skits, songs and messages. The altar service was amazing. Having said that Satan worked hard to slow us down and try to stop us. We had so much sickness from Saturday going forward. Tim wasn't feeling well on the plane, Victoria began running a temp on Saturday so Brother Bennett took the Griffins to the emergency room. She had tonsillitis and an ear infection. By Saturday I too was sick with my sinuses and cough. Sister Sharon got back Saturday afternoon and preached a powerful message on heaven and hell. We had a young Muslim, Ashley, get saved and truly met the Lord. Please remember him in your prayers, as soon as he got home his family really was on him. Then a young 15 year old boy named Luke, who was raised in the Church rejected God, not wanting anything to do with Him. My heart aches for him as it reminded me of Joseph Morgan, who did the same thing after a powerful message on hell, and died of an asthma attack about 10 days later (I told Luke about Joseph but it didn't change him any).

Sunday the team divided up to go to the three churches. Sis Marsha and Sister Sara at Northfield with Sister Beverly Anderson (they tag-teamed preached), The Griffins to Hansworth with Brother Bennett, and Sister Teresa and I to Durind-Heath with Sister Prince. Sister Teresa preached for us on Sunday morning. I became very sick during service. Fevering, aching all over. Brother Bennett also became sick Sunday morning. Sister Prince had prayer for me and they took me back to the hotel to rest as I was on to preach for the revival. Both Sister Prince and Sister Griffin wanted to know if I wanted to switch with someone and I wasn't about to let the enemy win. So I rested for a couple of hours and then the Griffins and Sister Claudine and Brother Stuart came to pick me up. My fever had broke but my sinuses still hurt, I was coughing a lot and I was losing my voice. God sustained me as I knew He had given me a message to preach. I felt it in every fiber of my being. I felt the anointing and His strength throughout the message. Brother Bennett too, was feeling weak but I could see God strengthening him throughout the service. Their were 2 saved, 2 sanctified and 1 filled with the Holy Ghost during the altar service.

Monday we went door to door in the Northfield area. Many of us by this time were sick. Brother Patrick who had been helping to drive us around was really sick. Sister Teresa by this time was sick. I've never seen a virus come on individuals so fast AND pass around so fast. Any way we did the door to door and the people were very responsive. Several said they would be out on Sunday. Lord bless the fruit of our labors.

Monday night we went to Hansworth and Sister March preached from Ezekiel and the dry bones. The Lord blessed again.

Wednesday, we begged Brother Bennett to take us to Wales. It was so beautiful. For me it was the highlight of the sightseeing. So serene and picturesque. I loved it. But Sister Beverly Anderson the pastor of Northfield, helped drive and she now was sick. We returned that evening with Sister Marsha also sick.

Thursday a van was rented and Brother Patrick was feeling better, him, Brother Jason Prince, Jennifer, Karen and of course Brother Bennett took us to London. We were to pass out tracts in London as soon as we got there. Thursday morning Sister Sharon woke up fevering and sick so they stayed on the van while we canvassed the neighborhood passing out tracts. We couldn't go door to door as they were all security buildings but we went through bus stops and parks and around the block and we had great reception from most. Sister Teresa actually shared the plan of salvation. Once again Lord bless the fruit of our efforts. By the way many of them from England had never done door to door witnessing and they were thrilled having been a part of it.

After passing out tracts we grabbed a bite to eat and returned to our hotel. AND I taught the English how to play "I Buy" Oh yeah, it was great fun as Brother Jason informs me that he's competitive and will bring us all down. He learned the American saying "eat crow" very well that night as I won, Sister Sara took second and Jason 3rd with Brother Patrick losing on the last round. But Jason was thrilled that he beat the English "brethren" as they call guys and gals alike. He then kept telling me he wanted to play again so he could have me experiencing "eating crow"; I don't think he understood the saying. I don't think I've ever had so much fun playing "I Buy" as I did that night. But I think we'll add a new rule; double blunder (if you take your turn out of place you have to pick up two cars) Jason and Patrick wanted to do that but they would've really lost if they did.

Oh let me re-wind a moment. Each evening we had dinner in a member/pastor's home or at the church. We had lots of mutton (too spicy for me), plantene (a type of sweet potato), fried green bananas, fish, chicken with curry (too spicy for me) and lots of other food. Though most of it was good, I like American better. Although, I can't really be a fair judge as my taste buds were messed up from being sick. The people were soooo good to us.

Thursday we headed out to sight see by way of the tour bus. Wednesday, the weather had been beautiful, but Thursday it was as we think of London, rainy and cold. We took a double-Decker tour bus around congested, people everywhere London. Then we got off and visited the Crown Jewels castle, from there we took a boat on the Thames river and then back on the bus to Buckingham and then back to the van and the hotel.

I've come away with a major prayer request and that's for Brother Bennett to find himself a good woman to help in the ministry there. He is a precious man that has never been married and he deserves the blessings of a wife.

The English folk do NOT like to get going to early in the morning. Their Sunday services start at 11 am or later. Every day's event was around that time as well...I'm a morning person and even if I wasn't I wanted to make the most of every moment I was there. Even though sick, I pushed myself as to not miss out.

So now after 18 hours in the air yesterday, it feels good to be home. My back is killing me from sitting on the plane, I'm still really sick (cough and can hardly talk) but I have memories that I will cherish forever. Although, I really think I left a piece of me (other than the many people that I shared my virus with; on Wednesday night 12 people were out of Bible Study where I went on Sunday due to sickness ~ I felt/feel so bad. Brother Tim called it the Alaska Lovin...) with our precious, precious English folks. Most of them won't be at the assembly this year but they're planning on next year. I so look forward to seeing those that can make it for a great reunion.


Momma Tammi said...

Great pictures and it sounds like a wonderful trip. Sorry to hear that you all got so sick though.

Jessa Stephens said...

WOW!! Way cool!! Hope you get to feeling better!!

Vicki Smith said...

What a wonderful report! Well, except for all the sickness. That's terrible. I prayed for you every day, I'm sure. --The pictures are great! What wonderful memories you will always have. Praise God for getting you into England and then back home safely.