Thursday, April 05, 2007

Catching Up

Well I went back to work yesterday. The people were so nice. I really felt missed. But the bummer of my being gone was during our Monday morning meeting they announced the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place top sales person for the month of March and I took 3rd place; and I wasn't even there to hear it!!! I'm not sure if I get anything other then my commissions but it would've been nice to have been there. I get to my desk and it was loaded with things to do and my boss very closely lost a major ad. He forgot to schedule it, misplaced the schedule, couldn't remember what he had done and what he hadn't. Fortunately we got it in and all was well. By the end of day my desk was very close to being caught up (I worked steady all day). I didn't allow myself to slow down so tiredness wouldn't set in. Today other than a hoarse voice and this persistent cough, I'm actually starting to feel better.

Jody is doing good in Seattle. If you've been reading his posts (Sister Smith you'll have to read how he "says" he got any wrinkles out of his clothes ~ shaking head). He had his first major test today, and after studying so hard last night that he wasn't going to even call me...he ACED it. He's got another major one Friday. He comes home Friday night (although they haven't told him when yet).

Please pray for Joleesa tomorrow morning. In Alaska, to graduate you have pass an exit exam. She took it the first time in October and passed the English and writing with flying colors but didn't pass the math. I blew it for her as I some how never scheduled her for geometry so she totally bombed that portion. So this week we've been searching the internet to try to get her (us) help for geometry. At 8:30 am she takes her test. I'm not sure what happens if she doesn't pass. But with God's help I'm confident she will. But please remember to pray for her if you could.