Monday, April 30, 2007

Now I'm Really Afraid AND Excited

I don't know if anyone had time to read my previous post, but in I mentioned that Brother and Sister Smith are coming to our convention and our camp. I was excited about that and wondering what all camp would hold for us both spiritually and fun wise. Well, I emailed Sis. Smith with her class title and responsibilities and it didn't take her long at all to start shirking her duties ~ great big grin~ she emailed me right back and said Sister Bishop wants to tag along with them and could she relinquish her class to her. I tell what that lady will do to get out of things ~ tee hee! We are thrilled to have Sister Bishop. AND SCARED!!! I do not know her except through the blogs...put those two women in camp and oh my, I can feel my side splitting already.

Anyone else that would like to come Alaska convention and camp its starts June 1st and goes through the 6th. The cost for camp is $100.

I've been so concerned with how late I am in getting everything together, but this weekend it is like God has just taken over and I am soooo thankful to Him.


Vicki Smith said...

Toss out the fear and just be excited! We're going to have a great time!!! I'M EXCITED!!! I can't believe I'm getting to go to Soldotna again! Yippee!

Tammy Washburn said...

I ate Dinner last night after church with Sis. Bishop at the Chinese restaurant. You'll definitely laugh and enjoy yourself. To bad ya'll don't have poke salad growing in Alaska :) She'll be leaving for Isreal next week, so ya'll pray for her travels.

J Nowling said...

I need to clarify that I'm just joking about "the afraid". I was referring to what the two of you my come up with for laughs ~ grin. There really is NO fear ~grin (Please don't make me eat my words), I'm sooooo looking forward to not only camp but having you in our home.

Momma Tammi said...

I am sure it was there, but apparently, I missed the announcement that the Smith's were coming for camp and convention. Oh well! Not that important other than the fact that I really think that I'm losing my eye sight since I couldn't find it. ~hee hee~ are going to have so much fun with Sister Bishop. I am so glad that she is tagging along with the Smith's. I really wish that we had been able to come, I was looking forward to seeing more of Alaska, but God knows who you really need this year and I think that you are all going to have a BLAST, not just in enjoying yourselves, but the blessings of God will blast everyone into a new sphere of spirituality in Him.