Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Crunch time and Nerves

Ladies retreat begins Friday. I have so much to do and timing everythng just right is the challenge. I took Friday off, every now and then I am smart~smile. But feeling overwhelmed, oh yeah. This is my first time directing a ladies retreat (several years of directing camps and going to ladies retreats but never directed one), and it makes it a little more difficult that I've not been to one in AK before AND that I still don't know the AK ladies. But then this causes me to rely more on God then myself. Also, that is why I am sooooooo grateful to have Sister Connie Wilson as our evangelist. She has got to be more seasoned in ladies retreat then even our fair Sister Smith ~ tee hee (I think I'm going to be in trouble for that one ~ oh well ~ grin). Really, someone that has been to so many retreats will be an asset to say the least.

If my nerves will stay calm enough that my stomach doesn't stay upset all week, I'll be happy. I PTL that I'm feeling almost 100%. That was a BIG FEAR for me; but God knew. And He was right on time.

Well I need to work on my class for retreat...taken from the title of Jessa's blog "God, Can I go Home Now?" Lots of ideas but I need them to come together.

Please keep the prayers coming.


Momma Tammi said...

I love the title of your class. Is anyone going to record it because I would love to hear it.

Momma Tammi said...

P.S. I'm praying for ya!

J Nowling said...

I know we're going to record Sister Connie's messages and class but it depends on how many tapes we have whether we'll tape mine.