Saturday, October 20, 2007


Wow! What a stress filled week. Life at work has been so stressful. It's really bad when it's only 9:30 am and I'm already in the bathroom sobbing because I can't deal with any more problems. I just got my September numbers I had an amazing September in sales. I sold over $429,000 of advertising. Now people should understand why I've been so overwhelmed at my desk. And that is just MY sales I don't get credit for the other desk's sales that I made while it was empty.

Before we moved to Alaska I had this job offer and another. The other job even counter offered but the timing for that type of job didn't feel right. Well he took me to breakfast after I got here any way, plus he's called me three times since and this last time he's very adament that I'm the one for his business. I want to ignor it because I don't want to have to make that kind of decision again. BUT I can't because I don't know if this is God bringing it back to me. This man owns a lot of property here in AK, in Seattle and in Hawaii. He just recently purchased the old IMAX theatre here in town is planning on getting it operating again. Plus he has purchased two strip malls. I've been praying diligently for a building for a church who knows. Above that he's 85 years and a staunch Catholic and is very open about who knows. So November 6th I'm meeting him over dinner. I hope Jody will be able to go with me. Please be praying.

We're in ministers convention and I like to say I'm excited for it but I'm so tired, physically, mentally and emotionally. I can't turn the tears off. Even right now the tears are flowing and I'm not exactly sure why except for stress. I've been praying and singing all morning trying to get my mind on Him. Last night I worked until 6:30 pm and went right to church and had to lead worship, I prayed all the way to church (on an empty stomach, as there was no time for dinner) that the Lord would help me to focus on Him. I had planned up beat songs, but when I got there I couldn't get a way from the song "Wonderful Peace". I kept arguing but this is start of convention we've got rejoice with fast songs. "SAYS WHO"!!! I told the people this was what I felt and this was what I needed so we sang and then went into worship choruses. What I didn't know as Brother Nowling's evangelism boost followed with "Throw out the Lifeline" and he spoke of Jesus in the boat during the temptuous storm and how the decisples cried for calm and peace and Jesus answered. My spirit and soul was calmed (my body still felt the exhaustion). Sister Annette's ABM boost was good as passed out play doh for everyone and they were to quickly make mini-me's of it. Then plates were given to the band leaders and pastor in Anchorage's case (Brother Nowling has been able to get peace as to band leaders yet) as they carried the load of each of those individuals on their plates. Then the plates were passed to the pastor and then the pastor's to overseer. It was very good. My mini-me was a tear drop. That's what I felt represented me at that time. Brother Ammons preached a good message (although, I'm almost certain I heard it before when we were in WI ~ smile) but my mind was tired and my stomach was so hungry I had a hard time following.

This morning we have our leadership meeting ~ugh. Brother Nowling won't be coming as he worked all night. Lord help me to keep my mouth shut when I must.

Then we start again at 6 pm and I have ladies retreat boost and camp boost. I really do want a "brand new touch" so please pray for our convention.


Vicki Smith said...

Praying here. I'm in a motel room in Greenville, SC. We were in an outstanding Convention here today. WONDERFUL sweet spirit. I cried through most of it. The Lord blessed me over and over again. Every thing that was said and every song that was sung ministered to me. God is SO GOOD! I pray your Convention gives you what you need.