Monday, May 05, 2008

Out Of Alaska

I came home from work I think it was Tuesday night and Brother Nowling said he needed to get out of Alaska. He hasn't left Alaska since we moved (except to go to Seattle for training and all he saw then was the hotel and the airport). He said he needed to get away. For him to be willing to fly, he really needed to get away. So I worked thongs out with my boss and Brother Grant covered service Sunday night and we left on a jet plane to...San Diego. We were trying to figure out where to go and the girls kept telling us San Diego so we flew first class, first row of the plane from Anchorage to Seattle. Had a great flight, then we flew in the LAST row of the plane from Seattle to San Diego and had a bumpy but not to bad flight (though we were by the bathrooms, we had the whole row to ourselves). We got to our hotel at 11:45 pm as they were just about to lock us out. We're staying at the Vagabond Inn in Point Loma. Nice room, nothing fancy, but a COMFORTABLE king size bed. We were so tired, especially Brother Nowling as he worked the night before, we were afraid we'd waste the morning away sleeping but we woke up at 6:30 am. Showered got dressed head to the Red Sails for breakfast, then to Seaport Village (a little bit of New England, once the stores opened at 10 am ugh!), then on to Corondo Island. It started out cloudy and windy, the sun broke through and it warmed up (in some places, but not by the ocean). We've enjoyed just being together and seeing the beautiful city with all the palm trees and the taste of Mexican architect. We didn't plan ahead financially so we're taking it easy and just enjoying it here.

We leave out tomorrow, but for now I'm going to wake Brother Nowling up and we're going down to the Gaslamp Quarters and walk around and enjoy the evening together.

I'll post pictures and give you our final update later.


Vicki Smith said...

WOW! What a surprise! And how FUN! Have a great time and tell us all about it ASAP.

Tammy Washburn said...

Congrats on the Alaskan Escape!