Monday, November 10, 2008

A good weekend!

It was a good weekend, it has just ended too soon. I woke up yesterday morning to my cell phone ringing at 7 am. It was my dad. The time difference has made it very difficult for me to catch him. He is doing good and keeping busy, so he's not in his room very often. I'm a morning person, so though I planned to sleep in until at least 8 am it was ok.

Brother Nowling then got up and the two of us worked on cleaning the house. Then we went to Golden Coral for their breakfast buffet. It was awesome and the price was cheaper then any other place that we would have gone (except I do have some buy one get one free coupons ~ oh well, it was good). We then headed to the Book and Bible store to see about getting the communion things as we were having communion today...OUCH! Each piece was over $40 and we just couldn't do it. So we bought the disposable communion cups and I used the plastic tray and bowl that we've used before. We then went grocery shopping and then came home. Brother Nowling is walking with a cane. Though his knee is doing somewhat better, he still experiences bouts of excruciating pain.

I then worked on the state books...ugh. It is soooo frustrating when you're off! I knew where the mistake had to be but I couldn't figure out why. After sever hours I got them to balance and then Josh and Jackie came for dinner and we talked a little about the next youth activity that Josh is in charge of. We're going to turn the church into an Italian restaurant, Spago, and put on a spaghetti dinner with an ambiance of Italy and Chef Joshua doing the cooking, Brother Nowling and I and probably Jackie doing the serving. I'm really hoping the young people will invite someone out. We have these monthly youth activities for the young people to keep busy but also so that we can have an opportunity to bring our friends to fellowship with us. This is something totally different for us but I know Josh can pull it off and I'm excited to help him.

Then this morning's Sunday School lesson was great. I got a lot out of it and I spoke pretty strong and clear to the youth. We are always talking about God's faithfulness to us, but what about our faithfulness to Him. We are more faithful to our jobs, family and friends then to our Lord and Saviour. It is so easy to leave Him out of plans. To have excuses why we don't have our devotions, aren't in church, etc. We desire faithfulness in our relationships be it work, family or friends AND we desire God's faithfulness to us...but what about our faithfulness to Him. Brother Nowling then preached a good message from Ezekiel.

This evening at 5 pm we had our first communion and feetwashing in our new building...that is it was suppose to start at 5 pm but some had to work and just couldn't make it that soon so we started at 5:30 pm. I, myself had a hard time getting into the right spirit as I was really frustrated for those that were missing. Whatever their reason, it was a great disappointment from me, and I can imagine from our God that we were honoring, that I had to fight to rise above, but once I did. A sweet spirit settled over us. It was a good feeling. Our God is soooo good and He deserves everything from us. Then Jessa had her WMB service. It was short but encouraging as she reminded us that we all have "a story" of things that have happened in our lives that we can use to share with someone and help them to come to the Lord. Then we went to a little restaurant and fellowshipped and ate.

Now I'm off to bed as another week faces us. The Lord has really been helping me to have more of a positive attitude at work. The staff is dwindling as is our commission. I will receive the lowest commission I've had since I started there (and yet this new plan was to help us make more money A good number didn't make any commission. The CFO is actually stepping in and taking a look at things and we hope to re-vamp the plan before we lose any more people.

Oh and by the way, I'm going to England in April Sister Sharon asked me to join the youth mission that's going there in April. Though I'm stepping out in faith for the finances (especially with the lack of commissions). I know I'm suppose to go and I am so excited. I resigned from direct ladies retreat as it takes place the weekend I get back. Things just weren't coming together for me to plan it and I looked at the calendar and realized why...I'm going to England and I'm not the one that is to be in charge this year. So I resigned. I am confident that this is the Lord's will on both issues, England and ladies retreat.

This year and 2009 holds a lot of exciting things for us. Many of you have been reading of the love story of Levi and Jessa....I'll leave it with this fact ~ I'm excited for Jessa and I'm anxious to meet the man personally that God has brought into her life. Then I'll have England and then excitement is all around regarding our camp with the Griffins. Yes, Sister Sharon is our evangelist. Brother Tim and Victoria will be coming. They are going to teach a class on relationships. And our theme is "Waging War!" This is Alaska and we have young people that are in the military here. This theme holds great meaning and I'm excited to see what the Lord is going to do for us this year.

Have a good week everyone.


Jessa Stephens said...

I'm REALLY excited about camp. It's going to be a good camp year! Your right... an exciting year all around...

Jessa Stephens said...

Hey you didnt say enough about the "Levi and Jessa" part. Uhmmm.... what about a awhole post dedicated to just that? It could show the mom's/dad's view on things.....=Levi

Vicki Smith said...

Praise God for what He's done for us in the past, what He's doing RIGHT NOW and what He's got in store for the future! He's good all the time and always cares and watches out for us. I'm excited for how you guys have settled in and made Alaska your home, with grateful hearts. You've learned to love the beauty and developed a "pioneer spirit" for the last frontier of the United States! It's been fun watching and listening to the progression of your feelings. Your family has been a blessing and inspiration.