Monday, November 24, 2008

Please Pray

For the Dorn and Mitzi Thompson family. Dorn's sister passed away on Friday. They won't know until after the autopsy exactly what the cause of death was but she wasn't recently diagnosed with diabetes and was having a difficult time regulating her blood sugar. I remember Julie from when we were just young people ourselves. She is a just a few years younger than I am and I don't believe she ever married. Though she was raised in the church she was not saved, unless in her last minutes she called upon God. She met Connie Wilson during one of the times she was in Minnesota and stayed in touch with her, so Sister Connie is travelling up to do the funeral. This is very close extended family. This was so sudden it really has got to be difficult for them.

Oh for the Lord to bring some good out of this. Lord give Sister Connie the Words of Life and comfort for this family.


Amy Anders said...

We are praying here! It's so sad when you don't know if that person got saved in the time before they died. We will be praying!