Saturday, November 01, 2008

I Asked for a night of Laughs and I Got It!

A couple of weeks ago Matthew Peter and I were texting each other and I asked next time he was home if we could have a game night as I needed a good laugh. He promised me pizza and games...and he kept his promise last night. He brought Nathan, Micah, and Megan with him. Earlier in October I bought UNO attack for a youth night. I think we played about two rounds of it after Jackie's cool group games that she had us do and everyone seemed to enjoy it. I know I did. So that was the game that I wanted to start the night with. A game that took no thinking, didn't last forever, and that I stood a chance to win (remember my losing streak about this time last year). We'll part of that came true. The "didn't last forever" came true for the first game to 500 as it took Micah I believe only 3 hands to hit 500. The second game we played two rounds and no one reached 500 as each round lasted FOREVER. Uno Attack has some cards that regular Uno doesn't have; trade hands with another player, "X" means lay down all your cards of that color. Now remember the name says "attack" so instead of drawing you hit the launcher and it does just that it LAUNCHES cards at you. There's a 2, ? (hit until you get something) and everyone has to hit it. Now see the deal is, it doesn't launch every time. When you hit you may not get anything, or you may get 3 cards, 5 cards, I think the most is 10 (and that I know because it spit 10 at me several times). We laughed so hard. The game changes constantly. You may have UNO one minute than someone trades their hand with you and you have 20 cards, OR you don't have a card to lay down so you hit the launcher and you get "vomited" a bunch of cards. Sister Vicki and Sister Becki, the laughs you two would have would have your sides hurting. It is so much fun....but after 5 hours of it and 2 hands being probably about 3-4 of those hours, I don't mind waiting awhile to play it again. BUT I WON the first game well guess who lost...(my winning score 60, Micah's losing score 619). The second game we called it quits at 1 am Matthew won with 199 and Nathan lost with 425. Oh and Nathan was a laugh in itself, he loved to get the cards. He'd get his hand built up (and never organized the cards) and then get a trade hands and trade someone almost ready to go out, and then do it all over again. That was his strategy and it was great fun for him and us.

If you've never played the game, get it. It's worth it.

Well I got get some work done and then we have youth Bible Study tonight. Everyone have a good weekend.


Rebekah Doran said...

lol! That does sound like fun. I'll have to mention getting it to Jacob. What kind of pizza did you guys get?