Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Busy Couple of Days

It's been a busy couple of days. Between cleaning the basement yesterday (still 97 degrees, yuck!) and then going back to work today (only in the 80's today, perfect). With only two days of work and 5 days of work to get done I had to work until 6:30 pm. But I got a headstart on tomorrow. I work at the local newspaper that has Wednesday and Sunday editions. So Wednesday is a delivery day (for circulation) as well as a deadline day (for advertising) so as Circulation/Customer Service Manager it is my busiest day. I always try to start the day caught up and by the end of the day I'm usually behind as I get hit with so many things. Therefore I knew I had better work late today. I don't mind though as I get a lot done with no employees or customers.

I got home and packed for Brother Nowling and myself to leave for the Alaska convention tomorrow night. We will be leaving at 9 pm for Chicago and Lord willing will be on a 8:15 am flight to Seattle (then by faith the Lord's going to open up two seats on a flight from Seattle to Anchorage as currently all flights are booked or overbooked). I actually packed everything into two carry ons as we have no idea where will end up and we want to at least have our luggage with us. Yeah, I really did get it into two. A garment bag and small suitcase. Brother Nowling will have the laptop and I'll have a book bag with our Bible's, books, etc in it.

Please pray for us. We're going to be tired but we're so excited about getting tosee what is going to be home, we get to be with our Alaska Brothers and Sisters and also get to enjoy Brother Wilda's preaching.

We hope to keep you posted as we go.


Momma Tammi said...

I've already been praying for you guys to make it to Alaska for convention. I'll keep praying and look forward to hearing about your trip.

J Nowling said...

I need to apolgize and thank the many of you that are praying. We have felt it. There's a calm about the traveling that we obviously different have in the beginning.

My request should be please CONTINUE to pray. Also, pray for the girls while they're at home. They too are under a lot of stress and we are experiencing so many changes.

Love and appreciate you all!

Momma Tammi said...

I'm sorry, maybe I'm slow...why were you apologizing? I hope that by saying that I've already been praying didn't come across as a rebuke or anything, that certainly wasn't my intent. What I am trying to say doesn't always come out the way I mean it, so I apologize if it sounded like a rebuke or anything.

I can imagine what the girls are going through. As Jeremy and Darren sorted through all of their stuff and decided whether to get rid of it, store it or take it with them, they went through so many emotions. It seems like moving was so much easier on them when they were little. I'll be praying for them to get through all the changes. Have a safe trip!

Juls4Him said...

I am keeping up the prayers too, Sister! I know how important this is, not only to see the new home but to be in convention with your new folks. I know they'll all be waiting for Bishop Jada's message...lol! I will be at Seattle Airport myself in less than two weeks and I know how nervewracking airports are these days. When you don't have a confirmed seat, you're going on faith and that's what our SS lessons have been about! I picture you both, like Corrie Ten Boom when she sat on her suitcase and waited for God to send whoever was supposed to get her because she had no idea why she was there just that God told her to go. That's faith and we're all going to need that kind in these days we're facing! So we'll look forward to your wonderful testimony. Hugs and Love from NC.

Juls4Him said...

I am keeping up the prayers too, Sister! I know how important this is, not only to see the new home but to be in convention with your new folks. I know they'll all be waiting for Bishop Jada's message...lol! I will be at Seattle Airport myself in less than two weeks and I know how nervewracking airports are these days. When you don't have a confirmed seat, you're going on faith and that's what our SS lessons have been about! I picture you both, like Corrie Ten Boom when she sat on her suitcase and waited for God to send whoever was supposed to get her because she had no idea why she was there just that God told her to go. That's faith and we're all going to need that kind in these days we're facing! So we'll look forward to your wonderful testimony. Hugs and Love from NC.

Kasey said...

Have a good time! Enjoy Papa (Brother) Wilda