Wednesday, May 24, 2006

The Late Nights are Catching Up with me

I am not a night person, except when we have company. Between having a bad cold and coughing all night Sunday & Monday night (as well as visiting with Micah) and then staying up late last night (late to me 11 pm or after), I am exhausted. I know for the rest of my family that is early but I am up anywhere from 5:30 a.m. to 6:30 am for work, while they are all still in bed. Any way it is catching up with me. I am sooooo tired and my legs are sooooo sore. This morning I didn't think I could stand up out of bed, let alone get in and out of our monster truck which I had to drive because Jody used the car to take Micah to the airport.

It was soooo nice having Micah here. It so different having guys around. In a good way. The Peter boys are all special to us and we treasure their visits as a family. It was soooo sweet when I hugged him good by this morning and he said he didn't want to leave. I told him he could change his flight, after all we have to pick Jenna up Saturday. Unfortunately he had to be back to the base tomorrow to complete some paperwork. We'll be seeing him and Josh Grant the end of July for camp, then the assembly and then all the time as they are in Anchorage. Brother Nowling is looking forward to having guys around him once we get to Anchorage. For once in his ministry the guys will out number the ladies.

Well enough babbling. Have a good night and great day in the Lord tomorrow.

Sister Jada


Juls4Him said...

Hi Sister Nowling, welcome to blog world! I have heard of you and about you from a number of people in the past few years but haven't had a chance to meet you yet. Maybe at this Assembly. there's a change for sure! I know that the Lord will bless and go with you in every step. When is the actual move taking place? In August? I'm glad you're going to be at camp this year because I have a friend who is counting on you being there. I'll tell you about her later. It's 5am and I need to try to sleep. Hope you have a great Thursday! Sis Julie Riddell

J Nowling said...

I'm not sure what camp you're referring to, I'm referring to our regions camp. I'm the regional VLB coordinator and camp director for WI, IA, MI, N. IL, & E. Canada. And my last duties here in what we call the Great Lakes Region is directing my 8th youth camp July 30-August 3rd. We will be moving right after the assembly. We will have our house all packed in a big trailer and stored on a friend's property, we'll go to the assembly and when we get back we'll take off across the Yukon for what will be about a 6 day journey.

I am soooo curious to who this friend is *smile* I'll be watching for you to reveal.

Juls4Him said...

Well she is a lady who has been attending the Des Moines Church and she met you when you were there not too long ago. I met her online through a Fibromyalgia support group about five years ago. She came to visit me in NC and ever since she went home, she has been attending Sister Brenda's church. Now her husband comes with her. Her name is Jeanette Hedlund. She went to camp last year and wants to go this year but she's really really nervous about it. I'll talk to you more about it later. I have been praying for this sister and her family so much and I know that God can help them with the struggles they have. It has really been a miracle in my eyes how far they have come. Her son just came home from Iraq and I spent hours with him online while he was there. He is married and I know that he and his wife did come to the church at least once since Easter when he got home. She is tall and she would have had her son, Jim, age 12, there with her as well as her husband Jeff. You were doing a youth convention I think. She was impressed with you anyway. I'll be praying for your camp AND your big trip!

J Nowling said...

Yes, I do know who you mean. Both her and her son got saved at camp last year. It was quite the miracle for her to come as she didn't think she could go that long without smoking.

I ate lunch with her and her husband (her son was home sick)during the youth day I had at Des Moines. I remember her telling me about visiting with someone in the South. I didn't know who you were.
She was asking her husband about going to camp with her. I spoke to Sis. Brenda just last night and she said her husband says he isn't going so she didn't think she would go. Brenda was going to keep trying.

I don't know the details obviously but it has seemed like things have been hard for her.

It is so awesome that the Lord has brought her in contact with you. I'm sure you've been a real blessing to her.

If you have anything you'd like to share go to my profile and you'll find my email address.

I'll keep praying God will continue to use you.

Juls4Him said...

Well I'll call her and try to encourage. Haven't talked to her in a couple of weeks. It was a miracle the way the Lord worked and I know she is meant to make it and be a member of the Body. Her heart attitude is there but she is fighting up against an enemy that doesn't want to let go. I see why now that I have been talking to her older son. I believe he is going to take hold of this even if he is running now. All they have to discover is God's power! Please pray for the family to make it! To camp and everything else!