Thursday, May 25, 2006

Only the Lord Knows!

I am so glad our God is omniscient. He knows everything. That should make it easy to trust Him. I spoke to my younger brother tonight. Over the last couple years the doors of communication have opened between us. I have 3 brothers and 3 sisters and we're all spread out. The brothers all live in Minnesota and so does 1 sister. Then I have a sister in AZ and one in OK. None of us being close in distance or relationship. This brother and 2 of my sisters were members of the church at one time along with my parents (my parents are still members of COGOP). As we've had to put our parents in a nursing home Kelly (this brother) and I have started to talk more. A couple of weeks ago I told him about us going to Alaska (he was the first in the family I told). He was definitely surprised because at Christmas we were talking of our desire to move south. But he was supportive. Tonight was a little different. He kept telling me to be sure. That no matter how close we came to the date and much we felt committed if there ever came doubt don't hesitate to back out. That this was effecting not just us but the girls. He assured me he wasn't trying to discourage me but just wanted to let me know. I told him we are confident that this is right. Do I get scared? Definitely! Do I feel overwhelmed? Absolutely! But there's peace in it all. God doesn't change and ONLY THE LORD KNOWS how it's all going to come together, BUT HE DOES KNOW!

"Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, and today, and forever." Hebrews 13:8. Any time I have been experiencing a lot of change in my life, I have held on even tighter to my Lord as He is the one thing in life that never changes. There's a chorus that Sister Smith taught at BTI several years ago that talks about the weather changing and things changing around us but Christ never changes. HE IS MY ROCK!

Please pray for my brother, Kelly. He is going through a hard time right now, but I know it's a good thing. I can't share the details, but God knows and we'll be with him in this. But he is really feeling alone and he needs our prayers.

Well I've made this long enough, so I'll listen to Jessa (she says the longer it is the less chance for readers)and I'll say good night.

Together in prayer!